Planning Grant: Engineering Research Center for Resiliency Enhancement and Disaster-Impact Interception (READII) in the Manufacturing Sector
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The Planning Grants for Engineering Research Centers competition was run as a pilot solicitation within the ERC program. Planning grants are not required as part of the full ERC competition, but intended to build capacity among teams to plan for convergent, center-scale engineering research. The proposed project titled: "Resiliency Enhancement and Disaster-Impact Interception (READII) in the Manufacturing Sector" will address the critical need of reinventing and revamping the manufacturing sector and its supply chains to become more resilient to natural disasters (especially hurricanes and floods, but also considering other possibilities such as earthquakes). The overall vision is to develop the conceptual framework, fundamental research, educational and training tools to create proactive and innovative approaches to prevent and mitigate failure and ultimately enhance resiliency of the manufacturing sector.The ultimate goal of the ERC is to create an integrated framework, a supporting set of transformative concepts and tools, and a multi-disciplinary collaborative community to effect a paradigm shift in the design and operation of manufacturing facilities and supply chains with substantial enhancement in resilience to natural disasters. Towards achieving the overall vision, the planning grant will support the development of critical elements and enabling steps based upon: (1) Identifying and bringing together a partnering community of multi-disciplinary collaborators from academia, industry, and local/regional/federal agencies to undertake convergent research collaboration, (2) Building capacity and fostering a culture of inclusion and innovation in the area of manufacturing-sector resilience, (3) Assessing the manufacturing-resilience challenges and opportunities to identify the needed research, workforce development, and outreach within the US Gulf Coast Region (US GCR), especially within highly-impacted and disenfranchised communities, and (4) Developing a roadmap for a high-impact ERC proposal.This award reflects NSF''s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation''s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.