selected publications academicarticle Pals, H., Love, T. P., Hannibal, B., & Waren, W. (2016). The Consequences of School Environment and Locus of Control on Adulthood Deviant Behavior. Deviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal. 37(9), 1003-1022. Waren, W. (2014). Wage Theft Among Latino Day Laborers in Post-Katrina New Orleans: Comparing Contractors with Other Employers. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 15(4), 737-751. Pals, H., & Waren, W. (2014). Winners and losers in health insurance: access and type of coverage for women in same-sex and opposite-sex partnerships. Women and Health. 54(2), 94-114. Waren, W. (2013). Houston's Emerging Exposure between African Americans and Whites: Evidence of Spatial Assimilation or Place Stratification?. Population, Space and Place. 19(5), 633-643. Waren, W., & Pals, H. (2013). Comparing characteristics of voluntarily childless men and women. Journal of Population Research. 30(2), 151-170. Brenner-Shuman, A., & Waren, W. (2013). Age at Menarche and Choice of College Major. Bulletin of Science Technology and Society. 33(1-2), 28-34. Waren, W (2012). Theories of the singing revolution: An historical analysis of the role of music in the Estonian independence movement. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music. 43(2), 439-451. Baumle, A. K., Fossett, M., & Waren, W. (2008). Strategic Annexation under the Voting Rights Act: Racial Dimensions of Annexation Practices. Harvard blackletter law journal. 24, 81-115. Fossett, M., & Waren, W. (2005). Overlooked Implications of Ethnic Preferences for Residential Segregation in Agent-based Models. Urban Studies. 42(11), 1893-1917. Waren, W Using "Monopoly" to Introduce Concepts of Race and Ethnic Relations. Journal of Effective Teaching. 11(1), 28-35.
teaching activities SOCI205 Intro To Sociology Instructor SOCI220 Meth Of Soc Research Instructor SOCI420 Adv Meth Soc Research Instructor SOCI485 Directed Studies Instructor SOCI691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Sociology, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2009 M.A. in Sociology, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville - (Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States) 2003 B.A. in Sociology, Northeastern State University - (Tahlequah, Oklahoma, United States) 1993