Texas A&M University System Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (TAMUS LSAMP) Bridge to the Doctorate (BTD) Cohort X (2014- 2016) Program
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The primary aim of the proposed Cohort X of the Texas A&M University System Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (TAMUS LSAMP) Bridge to the Doctorate (BTD) program is to increase the pool of PhDs from groups historically underrepresented (URGs) in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) disciplines. One of the major objectives of this BTD program is to train fellows in STEM fields with the academic and leadership skills necessary for the highest chance of success at the next level. In higher education, the number of Hispanic and African-American faculty and administrators at U.S. colleges and universities is not representative of the nation''s population. Unfortunately, there are few graduate programs in the sciences and engineering that incorporate the development of leadership skills that doctoral graduates will need to ascend to and succeed in positions of leadership in the professions that they choose. The broad significance of TAMUS LSAMP BTD is to increase participation of underrepresented groups in STEM by providing opportunities and activities at the graduate level that lead to educational and career enhancements of these graduate students. Texas A&M University''s (TAMU''s) goal is to foster academic success in a cohort of twelve first-time graduate students from URGs, BTD Fellows, by developing their readiness and encouraging eagerness to complete STEM doctoral degrees and by preparing them to take their place as leaders in interdisciplinary research and in academia. Objectives to carry out the program''s goals include (1) retention of Fellows into doctoral programs with funding after completion of the BTD program, (2) preparation to meet the challenges of completing doctoral programs of study and for possible academic careers in higher education, and (3) leadership skill development necessary to succeed as young STEM professionals upon completion of doctoral programs of study. This will be achieved through collaborations among the College of Science (COS), College of Engineering (COE), the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (COALS), and the College of Geosciences (COG) at TAMU. TAMU''s BTD program will create a cohesive community of graduate students across different disciplines within the university. The BTD Fellows, with differing STEM disciplines and a common purpose, will share coordinated resources and intellectually enriching group activities with each other, and also with the larger population of STEM graduate students at TAMU, to the benefit of all.