publisher of
- Transitioning from Cobalt-60 to X-Ray or E-Beam for Medical Sterilization: Filling Data and Education Gaps. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 121:1089-1092. 2019
- IAEA's Coordinated Research Projects and Activities on Thermal Hydraulics of Fast Reactors 2023
- Building a Multiscale Framework: An Overview of the NEAMS Thermal-Hydraulics Integrated Research Project. 4436-4449. 2023
- Challenge Problem 4: Building a Flexible Multiscale Framework for Core Modeling. 4489-4502. 2023
- Experimental PIV Measurements in a Randomly Packed Non-Isothermal Pebble Bed Core Prototype. 1649-1659. 2023
- Flow Decomposition and Reconstruction Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for a Porous Blocked Subchannel in a 61-Pin Wire-Wrapped Fuel Assembly. 3044-3057. 2023
- Flow Visualization of a Prototypical Helical Coil Bundle Section Undergoing Flow Induced Vibration. 2210-2222. 2023
- High-Fidelity Simulation of Pebble Beds: Toward an Improved Understanding of the Wall Channeling Effect. 3140-3154. 2023
- NEAMS IRP Challenge Problem 3: Mixing in Large Enclosures and Thermal Stratification. 4476-4488. 2023
- Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements for Transition Flow Regime Through a Porous Blocked Subchannel in a 61-Pin Wire-Wrapped Bundle. 2026-2039. 2023
- Vapor Pressure and Temperature Analyses on a Gravity-Assisted Wrapped Screen Wick Annular Heat Pipe. 2549-2560. 2023
- Large Eddy Simulation of a 67-Pebble Bed Experiment. 278-291. 2022
- On the Development of an Improved Drag Correlations for the Near-Wall Region of Pebble Beds. 450-453. 2022
- Phase I Specifications and Preliminary Sensitivity Analyses of the OECD-NRC Liquid Metal Fast Reactor Core Thermal-Hydraulics Benchmark. 1637-1646. 2022
- Behavior of a Scaled Water-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System under Hypothetical Accident Conditions. 1843-1846. 2020
- CFD Simulations on a hexagonal 61-pin wire-wrapped fuel bundle with STARCCM+ and comparison with experimental data.. 1509-1511. 2020
- Design and Optimization of the Shielding of an Accelerator Driven Thorium-Fueled Molten Salt Loop using MCNP6. 1259-1262. 2020
- Experimental investigation of cross-flow vortex structures in the wake region of a sphere using time-resolved PIV and POD analysis. 1847-1850. 2020
- Flow Rate Estimation from Transient Temperature Response of a Forced Convection Molten Salt Test Facility. 1863-1866. 2020
- Investigation of the Near Wake of a Sphere Using Time-Resolved Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry. 1837-1840. 2020
- Lateral flow characterizations in a 5x5 rod bundle with spacer grid. 1689-1692. 2020
- Numerical simulation of the flow through a randomly packed pebble bed with small bed-to-pebble diameter ratio. 1493-1496. 2020
- Preparation of U-10Zr Alloys for Irradiation Testing in the Advanced Test Reactor to Enable MARMOT Assessment and Validation. 586-588. 2020
- Pressure Drop Measurements in a 61-Pin Wire Wrapped Hexagonal Fuel Bundle in Presence of Localized Subchannel Blockages. 1531-1534. 2020
- Subchannel Mass Transfer Analysis of a 5 x 5 Rod Bundle Using PIV and Matching of Index of Refraction. 1547-1549. 2020
- Validation of Turbulence Models for Heat Transfer Predictions for Low-Pr Flows. 1497-1500. 2020
- Detailed modelling of the expansion reactivity feedback in fast reactors using OpenFOAM. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 1434-1442. 2019
- Preliminary application of the GeN-Foam multiphysics tool to the analysis of the FFTF sodium fast reactor: coupling thermal-hydraulics and core deformations. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 5680-5690. 2019
- Benchmark Exercise on Flow Mixing in Cold Leg of a Pressurized Water Reactor. 1783-1786. 2019
- Distributed Wall Temperature Measurements in a Scaled Water-Cooled RCCS. 183-186. 2019
- Experimental Investigation of Surrogate Particle Transport in a Turbulent Channel Flow: Versatile Test Reactor Program. 1153-1156. 2019
- Fast Responding Pressure Sensitive Paint Measurements in a Helical Coil Steam Generator Model. 1653-1656. 2019
- Non-Intrusive Velocity and Temperature Measurements of Buoyant Flows from Inductively Heated Dual-Spheres. 1633-1636. 2019
- Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow in a Square ChannelVersatile Test Reactor Program. 1149-1152. 2019
- Response Time of Thermowells for Corrosive, High-Temperature Experiments. 1673-1676. 2019
- Analysis of the VTR In-Core Environment with the Rabbit Delivery System Enabling Encapsulated Irradiations. 1427-1430.
- Bayesian Data Assimilation for Fuel Performance Based on OFFBEAT. 3656-3665.
- Design and Demonstration of a Rabbit Experiment System for the Versatile Test Reactor. 1408-1411.
- Deterministic High-Fidelity Neutronics Simulation of Pebble Bed Reactors with Pebble Tracking Transport. 2006-2016.
- Development in OFFBEAT of a Dynamic-Mesh Incremental Stress-Strain Solver and Validation Against the IFA 650.2 Ballooning Experiment. 401-408.
- Development of a High Fidelity Model of the CROCUS Experimental Reactor. 946-956.
- Dynamics and Stability Analysis Study of a Thermal Molten Salt Reactor. 2387-2396.
- Evaluation of Accident Tolerant Fuel Performance Under Long-Term Station Blackout Conditions. 4363-4363.
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of RCIC Steam Exhaust Line Design on Suppression Pool Thermal Stratification
- Fuel Flow Modeling Under Thermal Fluidics Considerations Within Operational Domains of Molten Salt Reactors. 3208-3221.
- Gamma Source Imaging Using Non-Negative Least Squares. 1071-1074.
- Generative AI Tools in the Nuclear Engineering Community: A Survey-Based Evaluation of the Current Adoption and Impacts. 1457-1465.
- Implementation of a Multidimensional Diffusion-Based Neutronics Solver in OFFBEAT. 462-466.
- Investigating the Accuracy of Porous-Medium Treatments in the Analysis of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Systems. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 1186-1195.
- Modeling of Sodium Fast Reactors Thermal Expansion Reactivity Feedback Using GeN-Foam and Serpent. 493-502.
- Pre-Release Validation Database for the Multi-Dimensional Fuel Performance Code OFFBEAT. 2914-2923.
- Reduced-Order Modeling of Fluid Flows in Closed-Loop Systems. 1762-1764.
- SpaceX Falcon Heavy Mass Constraints as Design Driver for Practical Heat Pipe Stirling Micro Reactors. 305-311.
- The GeN-Foam Multiphysics Solver: A Status Update. 3138-3147.