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Mulva, Stephen Research Professor


I conduct research into new and more efficient commercial ecosystems for capital projects and programs. As much as 41% of the cost of a large facility in the built environment is wasted on transactions and is not part of any planning, design, fabrication or assembly activity. This interdisciplinary research encompasses many concepts in finance, accounting, supply chain, engineering, legal, sociology and construction science. This research is actively being deployed on a number of capital projects around the world.

I also conduct research into safer operations for cranes with the goal of eliminating crane accidents. Recent breakthroughs in equipment telematics paired with computational capabilities and training resources at Texas A&M University are making this objective possible. Related to this research are a range of programs to evaluate crane usage, educate crews and operators, validate new equipment, and provide solutions for workforce development. There exists a large demand for innovations in products that promote crane safety and improved risk management. My research facilitates effective interfaces between the University and amongst crane manufacturers, owners, insurers, operators and crews.

I have an interest in anything that promotes a safer, vibrant, and more efficient built environment. From improved work processes and technology to the development of people and a better commercial environment, I'm working to change the way the world builds and interacts with the natural environment. We can improve peoples' standard of living while simultaneously respecting and restoring the planet.

HR job title

  • Research Professor