selected publications academic article Jiang, Y., Kuo, L., & Moody, S. M. (2022). Cross-language transfer: a single case study on the acquisition of argumentative reasoning. Bilingual Research Journal. 45(1), 99-119. Hu, X., Kuo, L., & Dixon, L. Q. (2022). Effectiveness of interventions on improving English language learners' intelligibility and comprehensibility: A meta-analytic review. Language Teaching Research. 136216882211068-136216882211068. Park, J. H., Kuo, L., Dixon, Q., & Kim, H. (2022). Korean-english Bilingual Children's Stress Cue Sensitivity and its Relationship with Reading in English. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 51(2), 397-415. Lee, S., Kuo, L., Xu, Z., & Hu, X. (2022). The effects of technology-integrated classroom instruction on K-12 English language learners' literacy development: a meta-analysis. Computer Assisted Language Learning. 35(5-6), 1106-1137. Yang, X., Kuo, L., Eslami, Z. R., & Moody, S. M. (2021). Theoretical trends of research on technology and L2 vocabulary learning: A systematic review. Journal of Computers in Education. 8(4), 465-483. Yang, X., Kuo, L., & Jiang, L. (2020). Connecting Theory and Practice: a Systematic Review of K-5 Science and Math Literacy Instruction. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 18(2), 203-219. Kuo, L., Ku, Y., Chen, Z., & Gezer, M. U. (2020). The relationship between input and literacy and metalinguistic development: A study with Chinese-English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism. 24(1), 26-45. Huang, B. H., & Kuo, L. (2020). The role of input in bilingual children's language and literacy development: Introduction to the Special Issue. International Journal of Bilingualism. 24(1), 3-7. Jiang, Y., & Kuo, L. (2019). The development of vocabulary and morphological awareness: A longitudinal study with college EFL students. Applied Psycholinguistics. 40(4), 877-903. Moody, S., Hu, X., Kuo, L., Jouhar, M., Xu, Z., & Lee, S. (2018). Vocabulary Instruction: A Critical Analysis of Theories, Research, and Practice. Education Sciences. 8(4), 180-180. Yang, X., Kuo, L., Ji, X., & McTigue, E. (2018). A critical examination of the relationship among research, theory, and practice: Technology and reading instruction. Computers & Education. 125, 62-73. Kuo, L., Ramirez, G., de Marin, S., Kim, T., & Unal-Gezer, M. (2017). Bilingualism and morphological awareness: a study with children from general education and Spanish-English dual language programs. Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology. 37(2), 94-111. Lee, S., Kuo, L., Moody, S. M., & Chen, Z. (2017). Reviews of research funded by U.S. Institute of Educational Sciences:A case of reading development and instruction. Cogent Education. 4(1), 1401444-1401444. Hodges, T. S., Feng, L., Kuo, L., & McTigue, E. (2016). Discovering the literacy gap: A systematic review of reading and writing theories in research. Cogent Education. 3(1), 1228284-1228284. Wright, K. L., Franks, A. D., Kuo, L., McTigue, E. M., & Serrano, J. (2016). Both Theory and Practice: Science Literacy Instruction and Theories of Reading. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 14(7), 1275-1292. Kuo, L., Uchikoshi, Y., Kim, T., & Yang, X. (2016). Bilingualism and Phonological Awareness: Re-examining Theories of Cross-Language Transfer and Structural Sensitivity. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 46, 1-9. Lin, T., Anderson, R. C., Jadallah, M., Kim, N., Kim, I., Kuo, L., ... Li, Y. (2015). Social influences on children's development of relational thinking during small-group discussions. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 41(1), 83-97. Eslami, Z. R., Jabbari, N., & Kuo, L. (2015). Compliment Response Behaviour on Facebook: A Study with Iranian Facebook Users. International Review of Pragmatics. 7(2), 244-277. Kim, T. J., Kuo, L., Ramirez, G., Wu, S., Ku, Y., de Marin, S., Ball, A., & Eslami, Z. (2015). The relationship between bilingual experience and the development of morphological and morpho-syntactic awareness: a cross-linguistic study of classroom discourse. Language Awareness. 24(4), 332-354. Kuo, L., Kim, T., Yang, X., Li, H., Liu, Y., Wang, H., Hyun Park, J., & Li, Y. (2015). Acquisition of Chinese characters: the effects of character properties and individual differences among second language learners. Frontiers in Psychology. 6, 986. Lin, T., Jadallah, M., Anderson, R. C., Baker, A. R., Nguyen-Jahiel, K., Kim, I., ... Wu, X. (2015). Less is more: Teachers influence during peer collaboration. 107(2), 609-629. Kuo, L., Li, Y., Sadoski, M., & Kim, T. (2014). Acquisition of Chinese characters: the effects of character properties and individual differences among learners. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 39(4), 287-300. Lin, T., Anderson, R. C., Hummel, J. E., Jadallah, M., Miller, B. W., Nguyen-Jahiel, K., ... Dong, T. (2012). Children's use of analogy during collaborative reasoning. 83(4), 1429-1443. Kuo, L., & Anderson, R. C. (2012). Effects of early bilingualism on learning phonological regularities in a new language. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 111(3), 455-467. Jadallah, M., Anderson, R. C., Nguyen-Jahiel, K., Miller, B. W., Kim, I., Kuo, L., Dong, T., & Wu, X. (2011). Influence of a Teachers Scaffolding Moves During Child-Led Small-Group Discussions. American Educational Research Journal. 48(1), 194-230. Kuo, L., & Anderson, R. C. (2010). Beyond Cross-Language Transfer: Reconceptualizing the Impact of Early Bilingualism on Phonological Awareness. Scientific Studies of Reading. 14(4), 365-385. Kuo, L. (2009). The Role of Natural Class Features in the Acquisition of Phonotactic Regularities. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 38(4), 413-413. Kuo, L. (2009). The role of natural class features in the acquisition of phonotactic regularities. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 38(2), 129-150. Reznitskaya, A., Kuo, L., Clark, A., Miller, B., Jadallah, M., Anderson, R. C., & NguyenJahiel, K. (2009). Collaborative reasoning: a dialogic approach to group discussions. Cambridge Journal of Education. 39(1), 29-48. Reznitskaya, A., Kuo, L., Glina, M., & Anderson, R. C. (2009). Measuring argumentative reasoning: What's behind the numbers?. Learning and Individual Differences. 19(2), 219-224. Li, Y., Anderson, R. C., Nguyen-Jahiel, K., Dong, T., Archodidou, A., Kim, I. H., ... Miller, B. (2007). Emergent leadership in children's discussion groups. Cognition and Instruction. 25(1), 75-111. Reznitskaya, A., Anderson, R. C., & Kuo, L. (2007). Teaching and Learning Argumentation. The Elementary School Journal. 107(5), 449-472. Kuo, L., & Anderson, R. C. (2006). Morphological Awareness and Learning to Read: A Cross-Language Perspective. Educational Psychologist. 41(3), 161-180. Clark, A., Anderson, R. C., Kuo, L., Kim, I., Archodidou, A., & Nguyen-Jahiel, K. (2003). Collaborative Reasoning: Expanding Ways for Children to Talk and Think in School. Educational Psychology Review. 15(2), 181-198. chapter Kuo, L. J., & Anderson, R. C. (2007). Learning to Read Across Languages, Cross-Linguistic Relationships in First- and Second-Language Literacy Development. Koda, K., & Zehler, A. M. (Eds.), Learning to Read Across Languages: Cross-Linguistic Relationships in First- and Second-Language Literacy Development. (pp. 39-67). Taylor & Francis.
principal investigator on STARTALK: A Virtual Trip to East Asia awarded by National Security Agency - (Fort George Meade, Maryland, United States) 2018 - 2019 STARTALK Student Program awarded by National Security Agency - (Fort George Meade, Maryland, United States) 2017 - 2018 A Trip to East Asia: STARTALK Summer Programs in Chinese and Korean awarded by National Security Agency - (Fort George Meade, Maryland, United States) 2016 - 2017 A Trip to East Asia: STARTALK Summer Programs in Chinese and Korean awarded by National Security Agency - (Fort George Meade, Maryland, United States) 2015 - 2016
teaching activities BESL685 Directed Studies Instructor EDCI489 Sptp: Teaching World Languages Instructor EDCI606 Cogn Cult & Literacies Instructor EDCI685 Directed Studies Instructor EDCI689 Sptp: Teach World Lang Instructor EDCI689 Sptp: Teaching World Languages Instructor EDCI691 Research Instructor MSCI691 Research Credit: Medical Sci Instructor RDNG351 Fnd Skills Decoding Elem Stud Instructor RDNG609 Foundations Rdng Inst Instructor RDNG610 Elem Literacy Inst Stem Instructor RDNG615 Theory Of Rdng Process Instructor RDNG620 Literacy & Language Instructor RDNG634 Rdng Research Trends Instructor RDNG635 Theory Of Rdng Process Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Park, Jeong Hyun (2018-10). Lexical Stress Sensitivity and Reading in English: A Systematic Review and Two Empirical Explorations among Korean-English Bilinguals. Yang, Xinyuan (2018-08). When Reading Goes Digital: Conceptual and Methodological Reviews on Technology and L2 Vocabulary Learning.
education and training Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 2006
awards and honors Research Grants, conferred by Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation - (Taipei, Taiwan), 2013 Spencer Fellows, conferred by National Academy of Education - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2008 Junior Scholar Grants, conferred by Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation - (Taipei, Taiwan), 2007
mailing address Texas A&M University Teaching, Learning And Culture (Tlac) 4232 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4232 USA
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