selected publications academicarticle Marthey, D., Rochford, H., & Andreyeva, E. (2024). Examining the impact of Medicaid payments for immediate postpartum long-acting reversible contraception on the mental health of low-income mothers Andreyeva, E., Chi, W., Zhang, Y., Kaushal, R., & Haynes, K. (2023). Social determinants of health and high-cost utilization among commercially insured population. American Journal of Managed Care. 29(7), e199-e207. Song, H., Andreyeva, E., & David, G. (2022). Time Is the Wisest Counselor of All: The Value of Provider-Patient in Home Healthcare. Management science. 68(1), 420-441. Chi, W., Andreyeva, E., Zhang, Y., Kaushal, R., & Haynes, K. (2021). Neighborhood-level Social Determinants of Health Improve Prediction of Preventable Hospitalization and Emergency Department Visits Beyond Claims History. Population Health Management. 24(6), 701-709. Graves, R. L., Andreyeva, E., Perrone, J., Shofer, F. S., Merchant, R. M., & Meisel, Z. F. (2019). Naloxone Availability and Pharmacy Staff Knowledge of Standing Order for Naloxone in Pennsylvania Pharmacies. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 13(4), 272-278. Andreyeva, E., & Ukert, B. (2019). The Impact of Medical Marijuana Laws and Dispensaries on Self-Reported Health. Forum for Health Economics and Policy. 22(2), 20190002. Andreyeva, E., & Ukert, B. (2018). The impact of the minimum wage on health. International Journal of Health Economics and Management. 18(4), 337-375. Ukert, B., Andreyeva, E., & Branas, C. C. (2018). Time series robustness checks to test the effects of the 1996 Australian firearm law on cause-specific mortality. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 14(2), 141-154. Kondo, M. C., Andreyeva, E., South, E. C., MacDonald, J. M., & Branas, C. C (2018). Neighborhood Interventions to Reduce Violence. Annual Review of Public Health. 39(1), 253-271. Andreyeva, E., David, G., & Song, H. (2018). The Effects of Home Health Visit Length on Hospital Readmission Branas, C. C., Jacoby, S., & Andreyeva, E (2017). Firearm Violence as a Disease-"Hot People" or "Hot Spots"?. JAMA Internal Medicine. 177(3), 333-334. Andreyeva, E., & Patrick, C. (2017). Paying for priority in school choice: Capitalization effects of charter school admission zones. Journal of Urban Economics. 100(C), 19-32. Lenstra, N., Franklin, H., Dieckmann, N. F., Andreyeva, E., Maddock, J., Seguin-Fowler, R. A., Winkle, J., & Perry, C. K. Assessing the Readiness of Rural Public Librarians to Implement Public Health Programs. Journal of Community Health.
teaching activities PHPM623 Health Care Financial Mgmt I Instructor PHPM684 Practicum Instructor PHPM685 Directed Studies Instructor PHPM686 Directed Research Instructor PHPM689 Sptp: Anlytcl Iss In Hlth Svcs Instructor PHPM689 Sptp:health Srvcs Research I Instructor PHPM691 Research Instructor PHPM791 Doctoral Capstone Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Economics, Georgia State University - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 2016 M.A. in Economics, Georgia State University - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 2013 B.S. in Economics, Georgia College & State University - (Milledgeville, Georgia, United States) 2010
awards and honors Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Excellence in Teaching Award, conferred by Georgia State University - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States), 2016
In the News Emergency Department visits reportedly down during pandemic, including parts of the Brazos Valley News Release