publisher of
- No Strict Evidence Rules in Labor and Employment Arbitration. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 15:533-543. 2009
- Theory and Anti-Theory in the Work of Allan Farnsworth. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 13:1-30. 2006
- Introduction: The Power of Stories: Gloucester Tales. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 12:1-4. 2005
- Relational Contracting in a Digital Age. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 11:675-706. 2005
- The Shaft: The Hadley v. Baxendale Song. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 11:239-241. 2005
- Hadley v. Baxendale and Other Common Law Borrowings from the Civil Law. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 11:627-648. 2005
- Harry Potter and the Law 2005
- International Adoption & International Comity: When Is Adoption Repugnant. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 10:381-401. 2004
- The Hand that Rocks the Cradle: How Children's Literature Reflects Motherhood, Identity and International Adoption. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 10:315-342. 2004
- Opposing Excessive Use of Employer Bargaining Power in Mandatory Arbitration Agreements through Collective Employee Actions. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 10:77-108. 2003
- The Pernicious Effect of Employment Relationships on the Law of Contracts. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 10:33-64. 2003
- From Marbury v. Madison to Bush v. Gore: 200 Years of Judicial Review in the United States. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 8:7-28. 2001
- Indian Tribes, Civil Rights, and Federal Courts. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 7:119-155. 2001
- Against the Peace and Dignity of the State: Spousal Violence and Spousal Privilege. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 2:239-278. 1995
- Mandatory Prelicensure Legal Internship: A Renewed Plea for Its Implementation in Light of the MacCrate Report. Texas Wesleyan Law Review. 2:115-121. 1995