selected publications academicarticle Koohikamali, S., & Alam, M. S. (2019). Improvement in nutritional quality and thermal stability of palm olein blended with macadamia oil for deep-fat frying application. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 56(11), 5063-5073. chapter Riaz, M. N., & Alam, M. S. (2020). Fats and Oils in Feedstuffs and Pet Foods. Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products. (pp. 1-66). Wiley. Lusas, E. W., Riaz, M. N., Alam, M. S., & Clough, R. (2017). Animal and Vegetable Fats, Oils, and Waxes. Handbook of Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology. (pp. 823-932). Springer Nature. Kamali, S. K., & Alam, M. S (2017). Production of Biodiesel Using High Linoleic Sunflower Oil: Process Optimization and Product Characterization. Sunflower Oil Interactions, Applications and Research. Nova Science Publishers.
teaching activities CHEN432 Chemical Engr Lab I Instructor FSTC485 Directed Studies Instructor NFSC485 Directed Studies Instructor NUTR485 Directed Studies Instructor
mailing address Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Process Engineering Research & Development Center 3124 TAMUS Bryan, TX 77807-2476 USA