Brabham, Beth C (2016-01). Secondary English Teachers' Perceptions and Implementation of Professional Development in the Area of Writing. Doctoral Dissertation.
This mixed-methods study investigated teachers' perceptions and implementation of professional development in writing instruction at a high school campus. A layered approach to professional development was utilized: (1) one group received weekly professional development during a Professional Learning Community (PLC) and also participated on a district writing team, (2) one group received weekly professional development during a PLC and received instructional coaching, and (3) one group received only weekly professional development during a PLC. Qualitative data consisted of a teacher survey to determine teachers' perceptions of professional development received, observation notes of body and verbal language during PLCs when professional development was given, reflection notes documented by teachers receiving instructional coaching, and interviews of the teachers who received instructional coaching. Results of this study showed that, teachers do value learning that takes place in PLCs and are also willing to try to incorporate their new learning into the instructional practices based on what they learn in PLCs. No significant differences occurred from the pre-observation to the post-observation for teachers in any group. Also, teachers who received instructional coaching not only became more aware of practices in their classrooms that were ineffective, they valued the collaboration and collegiality that occurred during the coaching process.