selected publications academicarticle Davis, B. P. (2024). The visionaries: Arendt, Beauvoir, Rand, Weil, and the power of philosophy in dark times. Contemporary Political Theory. 23(3), 524-527. Davis, B. P. (2022). Knowing Native Arts by Nancy Marie Mithlo. American Indian Quarterly. 46(1-2), 141-145. Davis, B. P. (2021). Simone Weils Method: Essaying Reality through Inquiry and Action. Comparative and Continental Philosophy. 13(3), 235-246. Davis, B. P. (2021). Human Rights and Caribbean Philosophy: Implications for Teaching. Journal of Human Rights Practice. 13(1), 136-144. Davis, B. P. (2021). Pragmatic Saintliness: Toward a Criticism and Celebration of Community. Contemporary Pragmatism. 18(1), 72-94. Davis, B. P. (2021). The future of critical theory: on the courage and limitations of Bernard Harcourts Critique & Praxis. Culture Theory and Critique. 62(1-2), 167-179. Davis, B. (2021). Decolonial Depths and Expanses: Responding to Critics of Dussel, Mignolo, and Grosfoguel. 12(1), 20-39. Davis, B. P., & Aldieri, E. (2021). Precarity and Resistance: A Critique of Martha Fineman's Vulnerability Theory. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 36(2), 321-337. Davis, B. P. (2021). The Promises of Standing Rock: Three Approaches to Human Rights. Humanity. 12(2), 205-225. Davis, B. P., & Walsh, J. (2020). The politics of positionality: the difference between post-, anti-, and de-colonial methods. Culture Theory and Critique. 61(4), 374-388. Davis, B. (2020). Responsibilities of the Intellectual: Dewey, Dussel, and Democracy. 11(2), 35-48. Davis, B. P. (2019). Pragmatic Interruption: Habits, Environments, Ethics. William James Studies. 15(2), 26-50. Davis, B. P. (2018). Seven Ways of Looking at Religion: The Major Narratives . by Benjamin Schewel. Soundings. 101(2), 187-191. Davis, B. P. (2018). Decreation and the ethical bind: Simone Weil and the claim of the other. Political Theology. 19(2), 164-165. Davis, B. P. (2018). Luna Dolezal and Danielle Petherbridge (editors), Body/Self/Other: The Phenomenology of Social Encounters. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2018, ISBN 9781438466224. Hypatia Reviews Online. 2018. Davis, B. (2018). Review of George Ciccariello-Maher: Decolonizing Dialectics. 9(1), Davis, B. (2017). A/theologies of the Impossible: Antigone, Weil, Badiou, and the Strange. The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. 16(3), 271-293. Davis, B. P. Globalization/Coloniality: A Decolonial Definition and Diagnosis. 8(4), Davis, B. P. On Conceptual Sufficiency. 3(1), 120-148. Davis, B. P. The Politics of Edouard Glissants Right to Opacity. 25(1), 59-70. Davis, B. P. The Right to Have Rights in the Americas. Arendt Studies. 6, 43-57. Davis, B. P. What Could Human Rights Do? A Decolonial Inquiry. 9(5), book Davis, B. P. (2023). Choose Your Bearing douard Glissant, Human Rights, and Decolonial Ethics DAVIS, B. P. (2023). Simone Weil's Political Philosophy Field Notes from the Margins. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. chapter Rozelle-Stone, A. R., & Davis, B. P. (2024). Simone Weil. Zalta, E. N., & Nodelman, U. (Eds.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Davis, B. P. (2020). The Colonial Frame: Judith Butler and Simone Weil on Force and Grief. Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology?. (pp. 125-142). Springer Nature.
editor of book Sealey, K. F., & Davis, B. P. (2024). Creolizing Critical Theory New Voices in Caribbean Philosophy Davis, B. (Eds.), Rowman & Littlefield.
education and training Ph.D. in Philosophy, Emory University - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 2020 B.A. in Philosophy, University of North Dakota - (Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States) 2016