selected publications academicarticle Bonner, C. Alioune Diop and the Cultural Politics of Negritude: Reading the First Congress of Black Writers and Artists, 1956. Research in African Literatures. 50(2), 1-18. Bonner, C. T. Laissez circuler le monde entier!: enracinerrance and the neoliberal eighties in Jean-Claude Charless Manhattan Blues. Contemporary French Civilization. 49(4), 281-298. Bonner, C. T. Staging a Dictatorship: The Theatrical Poetics and Politics of Marie Chauvet's Colre. Small Axe. 19(3 (48)), 50-63. Bonner, C. T. The Ferrements of poetry: The geopolitical vision of Aim Csaires Cold War poems. International Journal of Francophone Studies. 19(3), 275-300. book BONNER, C. T. Cold War Negritude Form and Alignment in French Caribbean Literature chapter Bonner, C. T. Islands Between Worlds: Caribbean Cold War Literatures. Hammond, A. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Cold War Literature. (pp. 431-450). Springer Nature. review Bonner, C. Nick Nesbitt, The Price of Slavery: Capitalism and Revolution in the Caribbean. H-France Review. 1--5. Bonner, C. T. Review: The Transcontinental Maghreb: Francophone Literature across the Mediterranean, Edwidge Tamalet Talbayev. Comparative Literature Studies. 606-609.
teaching activities FILM425 French Film Instructor FREN300 Written Comm In Fren Sp World Instructor FREN301 Fren Society And Culture Instructor FREN311 Oral Comm In French Sp World Instructor FREN336 Pol Cul Society Contemp France Instructor FREN375 The Francophone World Instructor FREN425 French Film Instructor GLST401 City & Global Contexts Instructor INTA401 City & Global Contexts Instructor INTS401 Urbanism & Modernism Instructor INTS405 Hnr-war And Memory Instructor INTS481 Seminar Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in French, New York University - (New York, New York, United States) 2015 M.Phil. in French (honors), New York University - (New York, New York, United States) 2012 M.A. in French Literature, New York University - (New York, New York, United States) 2010 B.A. in English and Comparative Literature and French and Romance Philology, Columbia University - (New York, New York, United States) 2005