Nomosocial infections kill a significant number of medical patients each year in the USA. Previous study has led to a series of studies into the intrusion of dust from any source into patient areas in hospitals. The goal of the overall research work is to ultimately reduce the mortality rates. This specific study looks to investigate the movement of air around doorways inside a building of similar configuration to the hospital. The specific goal is to determine if the door velocities are sufficient to allow the movement of dust and lighter particles beneath and around doors. No distinction is made in this study as the dust source. The hypothesis is that door velocities are insufficient to move dust particles with a size of 1 micrometer. The test method involved measurement of the door air gaps and the air velocity for a set of typical doors in the Langford Building A at Texas A&M University. The hypothesis is false and a closed door does not prevent the movement of air, which at Langford was measured to a velocity of 3.5 meters per second. Future work should look to measure the actual movement mass of air and dust beneath and around doors.