Workshop on Research Directions for Cyber Physical Systems Related to Future Energy and Power Grids, Arlington, VA, March 17-18, 2015
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Workshop on Research Directions for Cyber Physical Systems Related to Future Energy and Power GridsThe planning and development of the future grid requires additional research, particularly research that can be used within the next 5-10 years. Many organizations such as NSF, DOE, EPRI, ARPA-E, and NIST have focused on different aspects of the research ranging from a short-term, two to three year horizon, to a long term, strategic, 20-30 year horizon. Many workshops, symposia, and conferences have supported the exchange of research and development results. However, the research efforts are not currently well coordinated for the time horizon of 5-10 years where tangible and innovative commercial solutions could be deployed. This proposed workshop will focus on this 5-10 year time horizon with a goal of bringing together national industry and research community leaders, as well as the executives from the end-user and manufacturing industry, to discuss and coordinate a research strategy and related action plan to meet industry needs for new solutions in response to the new developments affecting the grid.The main objectives are to actively involve major players from various industry sectors, government organizations, and universities to create a common understanding of and map out the appropriate directions in research priorities and associated activities. An important initial step will be to convene a broad and representative assembly of the stakeholders to initiate this effort, which this workshop will accomplish. Spacific activities include:- Invite a key industry figure to open the workshop, outline the motivation, and set the discussion stage for how the goals and objectives may be achieved over the horizon of interest- Invite CEOs of major utilities and manufacturing industries to state their requirements and expectations regarding research needs and technology deployment over the next 5-10 years- Involve CTOs and CIOs of major companies seeking their views on what advancements in the control, communication, and information infrastructure are needed over the 5-10 year horizon- Attract top managers at NSF, DOE, EPRI, ARPA-E and NIST, other appropriate agencies to articulate their plans for the 5-10 year horizon- Assure participation of recognized experts from academia and research organizations who can add to the discussions or answer questions as needed- Formulate a prioritized and achievable list of expected research accomplishments over the 5-10 year period with measurable improvements for the energy cyber-physical system- Formulate an action plan to secure adequate funding to achieve the targeted goals, laying the foundation for a new collaborative funding opportunity for industry-university partnerships.