selected publications academicarticle Bhattarai, K., Sharma, S., Verma, S., Peres, N. A., Xiao, S., Clark, D. G., & Deng, Z. (2022). Construction of a genome-wide genetic linkage map and identification of quantitative trait loci for powdery mildew resistance in Gerbera daisy. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 1072717. Bhattarai, K., Kareem, A., & Deng, Z. (2021). In vivo induction and characterization of polyploids in gerbera daisy. Scientia Horticulturae. 282, 110054-110054. Peng, Z. e., He, Y., Parajuli, S., You, Q., Wang, W., Bhattarai, K., Palmateer, A. J., & Deng, Z. (2021). Integration of early disease-resistance phenotyping, histological characterization, and transcriptome sequencing reveals insights into downy mildew resistance in impatiens. Horticulture Research. 8(1), 108-22. Bhattarai, K., Conesa, A., Xiao, S., Peres, N. A., Clark, D. G., Parajuli, S., & Deng, Z. (2020). Sequencing and analysis of gerbera daisy leaf transcriptomes reveal disease resistance and susceptibility genes differentially expressed and associated with powdery mildew resistance. BMC Plant Biology. 20(1), 539. Peng, Z. e., Bhattarai, K., Parajuli, S., Cao, Z., & Deng, Z. (2019). Transcriptome Analysis of Young Ovaries Reveals Candidate Genes Involved in Gamete Formation in Lantana camara. Plants. 8(8), 263-263. Sharma, S., & Bhattarai, K. (2019). Progress in Developing Bacterial Spot Resistance in Tomato. Agronomy. 9(1), 26-26. Bhattarai, K., Wang, W., Cao, Z., & Deng, Z. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Impatiens Leaf Transcriptomes Reveal Candidate Genes for Resistance to Downy Mildew Caused by Plasmopara obducens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 19(7), 2057-2057. Bhattarai, K., Sharma, S., & Panthee, D. R. (2018). Diversity among Modern Tomato Genotypes at Different Levels in Fresh-Market Breeding. International Journal of Agronomy. 2018, 1-15. Bhattarai, K., Louws, F. J., Williamson, J. D., & Panthee, D. R. (2017). Resistance to Xanthomonas perforans race T4 causing bacterial spot in tomato breeding lines. Plant Pathology. 66(7), 1103-1109. Bhattarai, K., Louws, F. J., Williamson, J. D., & Panthee, D. R. (2016). Differential response of tomato genotypes to Xanthomonas-specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns and correlation with bacterial spot (Xanthomonas perforans) resistance. Horticulture Research. 3(1), 16035. Bhattarai, K., Louws, F. J., Williamson, J. D., & Panthee, D. R. (2016). Diversity analysis of tomato genotypes based on morphological traits with commercial breeding significance for fresh market production in eastern USA. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 10(8), 1098-1103. Bhattarai, K., & Van Huylenbroeck, J. Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics of Ornamental Plants. Horticulturae. 8(2), 148-148. X, S., K, B., D, L. v., F, G., & X, Y. Can CRISPR Win the Battle against Huanglongbing?. Journal of plant pathology & microbiology. 8(9), 1-5. Van Huylenbroeck, J., & Bhattarai, K. Ornamental plant breeding: entering a new era?. Ornamental Horticulture. 28(3), 297-305. chapter Deng, Z., & Bhattarai, K. (2018). Gerbera. Ornamental Crops. (pp. 407-438). Springer Nature.
education and training Ph.D. in Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida - (Gainesville, Florida, United States) 2020 M.S. in Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University - (Raleigh, North Carolina, United States) 2014 B.Sc. in Agriculture, Tribhuvan University - (Kathmandu, Nepal) 2010