Statistical Delay-Bounded Quality-of-Service Guarantee for Time-Sensitive Multimedia Transmissions over Cooperative Wireless Networks
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One of the most important services in the next-generation mobile wireless networks is to transmit real-time multimedia data, including video and audio. However, multimedia data need to be timely delivered within the required time period called delay-bound, because any received multimedia data exceeding its delay bound is considered useless and discarded. But, because of randomly time-varying wireless channels and interferences, the deterministic delay-bound requirements for high-volume multimedia wireless transmissions are practically infeasible. Thus, the statistical delay-bounded quality of service (QoS) guarantee theory is developed as an alternative solution to achieve wireless multimedia transmissions where we guarantee the delay-bound with a small violation probability. Availability of techniques capable of statistical delay-bounded QoS guarantee over cooperative wireless networks with mitigated interference would be a breakthrough in the next-generation wireless network research. The objective of this research is to conduct the basic studies on how to extend and implement the statistical delay-bounded QoS guarantee theory for supporting multimedia traffics over interference mitigated cooperative wireless networks. The engineering approach lies in the development of cross-layer optimization and cooperative distributed multi-antenna based architecture and algorithms to support the statistical delay-bounded QoS guarantee. The proposed framework will form a basis for deriving the novel cooperative effective-capacity and game theories for optimal power control over interference-mitigated cooperative wireless networks. Also, the proposed research will be well integrated with PI''s educational plan in developing the new graduate/undergraduate curricula/course-labs at Texas A&M University.While the statistical delay-bounded QoS guarantee theory has been shown to be a powerful technique and useful perform metric for supporting the time-sensitive multimedia transmissions over mobile wireless networks, how to efficiently apply and implement this technique/performance-metric through employing various emerging advanced wireless communications technologies has neither been well understood nor thoroughly studied. To overcome the above challenge, this project proposes to develop a set of cooperative-wireless networking based architectures, algorithms, and schemes through cross-layer design to support diverse statistical delay-bounded QoS and users'' subjective measure of quality of experience (QoE) requirements for mobile users, while mitigating the interferences caused by coexisting links and mobile user cooperation. The proposed framework will be mainly based on the cooperative distributed multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system to increase the coverage and capacity for multimedia wireless networks. But, the cooperative distributed MIMO network imposes new designing issues on the coordination, resource allocation, and diverse mobile users'' delay-bounded QoS/QoE guarantees. Furthermore, due to multiple cooperative users, the transmit power is distributed over multiple transmitters at different locations. Consequently, the interfering range caused by cooperation is considerably enlarged, lowering the spatial frequency-reuse efficiency and thus decreasing wireless network?s capacity. To solve the aforementioned problems, the PI proposes the following research plans, goals, and activities: 1) Develop statistical delay-QoS/delay-QoE aware cross-layer architecture for optimal base-station selection in the cooperative distributed MIMO system; 2) Develop statistical delay-QoS/delay-QoE driven cooperative-effective-capacity and cooperative-game theories based framework for optimal power control algorithms and interference management; 3) Design interference-mitigated cooperative wireless network-coding schemes to enhance the statistical delay-QoS/delay-QoE guarantees in multi-hop Ad Hoc wireless networks; 4) Extend two-dimension to three-dimension delay-QoE characterization by taking into account the delay-bound violation and buffer-overflow probabilities; 5) Develop modeling and analysis techniques, and simulation-tools/testbeds to validate and evaluate the proposed mobile networks'' architectures, theories, algorithms, and schemes.