selected publications academicarticle Raymond, D. (2012). Comments on Justin Barretts Why would anyone believe in God?. Sophia: international journal of philosophy and traditions. 51(2), 319-321. Raymond, D. (2010). Polarity and Inseparability: The Foundation of the Apodictic Portion of Aristotle's Modal Logic. History and Philosophy of Logic. 31(3), 193-218.
teaching activities ARSC101 First Yr Seminar Instructor HUMA304 Indn & Orntl Religions Instructor PHIL240 Introduction To Logic Instructor PHIL285 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL410 Classical Philosophy Instructor PHIL412 Seventeenth - Cent Phil Instructor PHIL484 Professional Internship Instructor PHIL485 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL491 Hnr-research Instructor PHIL497 Hnr-indepen Honors Studies Instructor PHIL497 Hnr-indepen Honors Studies Instructor PHIL611 Ancient Philosophy Instructor RELS304 Indn & Orntl Religions Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Western Ontario - (London, Ontario, Canada) 2006 M.A. in Philosophy, University of Calgary - (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) 1997 B.A. in Economics and Philosophy, University of Calgary - (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) 1993
mailing address Texas A&M University Philosophy & Humanities 4237 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4237 USA