selected publications academicarticle Zhen, S., van Iersel, M. W., & Bugbee, B. (2022). Photosynthesis in sun and shade: the surprising importance of far-red photons. New Phytologist. 236(2), 538-546. Kang, S., Kim, J. E., Zhen, S., & Kim, J. (2022). Mild-Intensity UV-A Radiation Applied Over a Long Duration Can Improve the Growth and Phenolic Contents of Sweet Basil. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 858433. Chen, J., Zhen, S., & Sun, Y. (2021). Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Content of Buffaloberry Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Sensors. 31(3), 297-303. Berliner, A. J., Hilzinger, J. M., Abel, A. J., McNulty, M. J., Makrygiorgos, G., Averesch, N., ... Arkin, A. P. (2021). Towards a Biomanufactory on Mars. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 8, 711550. Kusuma, P., Westmoreland, F. M., Zhen, S., & Bugbee, B. (2021). Photons from NIR LEDs can delay flowering in short-day soybean and Cannabis: Implications for phytochrome activity. 16(7), e0255232-e0255232. Zhen, S., van Iersel, M., & Bugbee, B. (2021). Why Far-Red Photons Should Be Included in the Definition of Photosynthetic Photons and the Measurement of Horticultural Fixture Efficacy. 12, 693445. Zhen, S., & Bugbee, B. (2020). Steady-state stomatal responses of C3 and C4 species to blue light fraction: Interactions with CO2 concentration. Plant, Cell and Environment. 43(12), 3020-3032. Zhen, S., & Bugbee, B. (2020). Substituting Far-Red for Traditionally Defined Photosynthetic Photons Results in Equal Canopy Quantum Yield for CO2 Fixation and Increased Photon Capture During Long-Term Studies: Implications for Re-Defining PAR. 11, 581156. conference paper Zhen, S., Kusuma, P., & Bugbee, B. (2021). Violet Photons Induce Photoinhibition in Lettuce 'Rex but Improve Growth of Cucumber. Hortscience. S256-S256.
teaching activities HORT411 Hydroponic & Soilless Crop Pro Instructor HORT428 Greenhouse Tech & Crop Systems Instructor HORT489 Sptp: Hydroponic/soilless Crop Instructor HORT489 Sptp:hydroponic/soilless Crop Instructor HORT491 Research Instructor HORT625 Environ Instrument Plant Rsrch Instructor HORT689 Sptp: Controlled Environment Instructor HORT689 Sptp:controlled Environment Instructor HORT691 Research Instructor