Role of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Atmosphere Feedback in North Pacific and Atlantic Climate Variability: A High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Study Grant uri icon


  • This research will provide new insight into the predictability and predictable dynamics of coupled climate systems in the North Pacific and Atlantic. The knowledge gained from this research will shed new light on causes of climate model biases along the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream fronts. The project will support one graduate student and one postdoc, and provide valuable professional development for the young scientists involved in the program.The goal of this study is to conduct a comprehensive and quantitative modeling analysis on ocean mesoscale eddy-atmosphere (OMEA) feedback using a state-of-the-art coupled regional climate model (CRCM) with grid resolution of approaching resolved convection (~3 km). The modeling analysis will be complemented and validated by an in-depth analysis of in situ field measurements generated by recent CLIVAR-endorsed field programs in the North Pacific and Atlantic, such as Kuroshio Extension System Study (KESS) and CLIvar MOde water Dynamic Experiment (CLIMODE), as well as high resolution reanalysis and remote sensed satellite data sets.The role of ocean eddies role in North Pacific and Atlantic climate variability will be examined by testing the following scientific hypotheses: 1) Energetic ocean eddies along the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream can exert significant remote influence on North Pacific and Atlantic storm tracks and weather patterns possibly through their effects on moist baroclinic instability; 2) OMEA feedback is fundamental in the maintenance of the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream fronts.

date/time interval

  • 2015 - 2021