selected publications academicarticle Sare, L., Bales, S., & Budzise-Weaver, T. (2021). The quiet agora: Undergraduate perceptions of the academic library. 28(1), 18-36. Budzise-Weaver, T., Anders, K. C., & Bales, S. (2020). Matters of scale: small-scale intensive outreach to graduate students. Public Services Quarterly. 16(3), 147-160. Budzise-Weaver, T., & Bales, S. (2019). Connecting Faculty Candidates with the Library: Lessons Learned from the Literature and the Field. Reference Librarian. 60(3), 182-201. Bales, S., Hubbard, D. E., vanDuinkerken, W., Sare, L., & Olivarez, J. (2019). The use of departmental journal lists in promotion and tenure decisions at American research universities. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 45(2), 153-161. Olivarez, J. D., Bales, S., Sare, L., & vanDuinkerken, W. (2018). Format Aside: Applying Beall's Criteria to Assess the Predatory Nature of Both OA and Non-OA Library and Information Science Journals. College & Research Libraries. 79(1), 52-67. Sare, L., & Bales, S. E. (2014). Professional identity: a grounded theory study of veteran academic librarians. Library Review. 63(8-9), 574-589. Bales, S., & Gee, C. (2013). Critical interpretive synthesis for informing collection decisions. Collection Building. 32(2), 51-56. Sare, L., Bales, S., & Neville, B. (2012). New Academic Librarians and Their Perceptions of the Profession. Portal. 12(2), 179-203. Bales, S. E., & Engle, L. S (2012). The Counterhegemonic Academic Librarian: A Call to Action. Progressive Librarian. Fall/Winter(40), 16-40. Bales, S., Sare, L., Coker, C., & vanDuinkerken, W. (2011). Journal-ranking lists and the academic librarian. Library Review. 60(2), 142-154. Bales, S. E. (2010). From Papyrus to Hypertext: Toward the Universal Digital Library. 45(3), 377-378. Coker, C., vanDuinkerken, W., & Bales, S. (2010). Seeking Full Citizenship: A Defense of Tenure Faculty Status for Librarians. College & Research Libraries. 71(5), 406-420. Bales, S. E (2009). Tracing the archetypal academic librarian. Library Philosophy and Practice. 2009(NOV), 1-8. Bales, S. E. (2007). Charles T.MeadowMessages, Meaning, and Symbols: The Communication of Information2006Scarecrow PressLanham, MD978-0-8108-5271-6256 pp., $40. Information Storage and Retrieval. 43(4), 1140-1141. Bales, S. E (2007). Library Daylight: Tracings of Modern Librarianship, 1874-1922 (review). 43(1), 116-117. Bales, S., & Wang, P. (2006). Consolidating user relevance criteria: A metaethnography of empirical studies. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 42(1), n/a-n/a. Wang, P., Bales, S., Rieger, J., & Zhang, Y. (2005). Survey of learners' knowledge structures: Rationales, methods and instruments. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 41(1), 218-228. Bales, S., & Sare, L. A. Refining Strategy: A Second Bid at Critical Interpretive Synthesis for Collection Building. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. 1, 141-151. book Bales, S (2017). Social Justice and Library Work A Guide to Theory and Practice. Chandos Publishing. Bales, S (2015). The Dialectic of Academic Librarianship A Critical Approach. Library Juice Press. chapter Bales, S., & Budzise-Weaver, T. (2020). Chapter five CODA. Transformative Library and Information Work. (pp. 147-148). Elsevier. Bales, S., & Budzise-Weaver, T. (2020). Chapter one Introduction. Transformative Library and Information Work. (pp. 1-6). Elsevier. Bales, S., & Budzise-Weaver, T. (2020). Advocate: transformative library and information projects reaching out. TRANSFORMATIVE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION WORK: PROFILES IN SOCIAL JUSTICE. (pp. 61-121). Elsevier. Bales, S., & Budzise-Weaver, T. (2020). Connect and transmit: organizations for professional support and outlets for professional communication. TRANSFORMATIVE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION WORK: PROFILES IN SOCIAL JUSTICE. (pp. 123-145). Elsevier. Bales, S., & Budzise-Weaver, T. (2020). Organize: transformative libraries and archives. TRANSFORMATIVE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION WORK: PROFILES IN SOCIAL JUSTICE. (pp. 7-59). Elsevier. institutional repository document Bales, S (2014). Errata sheet to dissertation: Aristotle's Contribution to Scholarly Communication 1/10/14 Bales, S (2009). Errata sheet to dissertation: Aristotle's Contribution to Scholarly Communication 5/8/09 thesis Bales, S. (2014). Aristotle's Contribution to Scholarly Communication (corrected dissertation)
teaching activities RELS200 Religions Of The World Instructor RELS304 Asian Religions Instructor RELS390 Researching Religion Instructor RELS491 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Communication and Information, University of Tennessee at Knoxville - (Knoxville, Tennessee, United States) 2008