selected publications academicarticle Warren, W. C., Boggs, T. E., Borowsky, R., Carlson, B. M., Ferrufino, E., Gross, J. B., ... Rohner, N. A chromosome-level genome of Astyanax mexicanus surface fish for comparing population-specific genetic differences contributing to trait evolution. Nature Communications. 12(1), 1447. Moran, R. L., & Fuller, R. C. Agonistic character displacement of genetically based male colour patterns across darters. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 285(1884), 20181248-20181248. Moran, R. L., Catchen, J. M., & Fuller, R. C. Genomic Resources for Darters (Percidae: Etheostominae) Provide Insight into Postzygotic Barriers Implicated in Speciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE). 37(3), 711-729. Moran, R. L., Zhou, M., Catchen, J. M., & Fuller, R. C. Hybridization and postzygotic isolation promote reinforcement of male mating preferences in a diverse group of fishes with traditional sex roles. Ecology and Evolution. 8(18), 9282-9294. Kellermeyer, R., Seidel, C., Redwine, W. B., Moran, R. L., Bertho, S., Ornelas-Garca, C. P., ... Rohner, N. Long-term hybridization in a karst window reveals the genetic basis of eye loss in cavefish. 5(11-15), 2024.10.25.620266. Moran, R. L., Zhou, M., Catchen, J. M., & Fuller, R. C. Male and female contributions to behavioral isolation in darters as a function of genetic distance and color distance. Evolution. 71(10), 2428-2444. Black, T. N., Rastogi, A., Saegert, A., Dib, J., & Moran, R. L. Male recognition of conspecific female chemical cues in a diverse clade of freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology. 104(3), 883-886. O'Gorman, M., Thakur, S., Imrie, G., Moran, R. L., Choy, S., Sifuentes-Romero, I., ... Kowalko, J. E. Pleiotropic function of the oca2 gene underlies the evolution of sleep loss and albinism in cavefish. Current Biology. 31(16), 3694-3701.e4. Reid, B. N., Moran, R. L., Kopack, C. J., & Fitzpatrick, S. W. Rapture-ready darters: Choice of reference genome and genotyping method (whole-genome or sequence capture) influence population genomic inference in Etheostoma. Molecular Ecology Resources. 21(2), 404-420. Moran, R. L., von Ende, C. N., & King, B. H. Seasonal colour and antipredator behaviour in Etheostoma (Percidae). Journal of Fish Biology. 84(4), 1188-1194. Moran, R. L., Richards, E. J., Ornelas-Garca, C. P., Gross, J. B., Donny, A., Wiese, J., ... McGaugh, S. E. Selection-driven trait loss in independently evolved cavefish populations. Nature Communications. 14(1), 2557. institutional repository document Moran, R. L., & Fuller, R. C. Agonistic character displacement of genetically based male color patterns across darters Moran, R. L., Soukup, R. M., Zhou, M., & Fuller, R. C. Egg viability decreases rapidly with time since ovulation in the rainbow darter: implications for the costs of choosiness Moran, R. L., Zhou, M., Catchen, J. M., & Fuller, R. C. Hybridization and postzygotic isolation promote reinforcement of male mating preferences in a diverse group of fishes with traditional sex roles Moran, R. L., & Fuller, R. C. Male-driven reinforcement and cascade reinforcement in darters Reid, B. N., Moran, R. L., Kopack, C. J., & Fitzpatrick, S. W. Rapture-ready darters: choice of reference genome and genotyping method (whole-genome or sequence capture) influence population genomic inference in Etheostoma
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