publisher of
- Guest editorialsecond part of special issue on cloud computing. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 2:189-189. 2011
- Guest editorialspecial issue on cloud computing. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 2:139-140. 2011
- Perspectives on cloud computing: interviews with five leading scientists from the cloud community. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 2:3-9. 2011
- Introduo Engenharia Reversa de Aplicaes Maliciosas em Ambientes Linux. 140-180. 2019
- Anlise de Binrios e Sistemas Assistida por Hardware. 100-139. 2018
- On the Malware Detection Problem: Challenges & Novel Approaches. 25-32. 2022
- Corvus: Uma soluo Sandbox e de Threat Intelligence para Identificao e Anlise de Malware. 50-57. 2021
- An Empirical Study on the Blocking of HTTP and DNS Requests at Providers Level to Counter In-The-Wild Malware Infections. 188-200. 2020
- Breaking Good: Injeo de Payloads Legtimos em Binrios Maliciosos para Teste de Robustez de Antivrus contra Evaso. 80-87. 2020
- Forseti: Extrao de caractersticas e classificao de binrios ELF. 5-10. 2019
- Machine Learning for Malware Detection: Beyond Accuracy Rates. 47-56. 2019
- Malware Variants Identification in Practice. 29-42. 2019
- RevEngE: Extenses de Engenharia Reversa para o GDB. 1-4. 2019
- Analysis, Anti-Analysis, Anti-Anti-Analysis: An Overview of the Evasive Malware Scenario. 250-263. 2017
- Anlise Transparente de Malware com Suporte por Hardware. 422-434. 2016
- Deteco de ataques por ROP em tempo real assistida por hardware. 324-337. 2016
- VoiDbg: Projeto e Implementao de um Debugger Transparente para Inspeo de Aplicaes Protegidas. 282-295. 2016
- Monitorao de comportamento de malware em sistemas operacionais Windows NT 6.x de 64 bits. 195-208. 2014