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One of the important attributes of the field scale and watershed scale modeling linkages is to analyze the spatial and temporalimpacts of various BMPs. The EPIC/APEX and SWAT models simulate processes such as hydrology, soil water interaction,crop growth and management on a daily time step (high temporal resolution). Furthermore, these processes are simulatedcontinuously and for long time-steps. The GIS capabilities available with the SWAT model allows for the study of the spatialvariability associated with hydrologic processes at high resolutions (e.g. 30m resolution). These capabilities make the proposedmodeling approach advantageous for this study in terms of analyzing the spatial and temporal issues associated withconservation practices implemented in a watershed. Unlike monitoring data based evaluation, with this proposed modelingapproach, several "what if" questions can be answered and scenarios analyzed to support the decision-makers. The modelingapproach is time-saving, cost-effective, repeatable and scalable in this regard. For example, in addition to the existingconservation practices implemented in watersheds, the effects of additional conservation practices can be evaluated as follows:- the effect of implementing alternative or additional conservation practices in a watershed, and targeting these practices incritical areas in order to maximize benefits - the effect of implementing existing practices in different locations so as to maximizebenefits - the effect of implementing the current conservation practices over larger areas (say, 10% or 25% more area) Thesekinds of analyses would help river authorities and state government agencies to find suitable conservation practices required atthe field scale and their optimal placement within a watershed to maximize benefits. After the successful development of theinitial spatial decision support system, a user survey was conducted. From this survey, it is evident that there is a n