REU Site: Nuclear and Particle Science at Texas A&M University
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This award supports the renewal of the REU site in nuclear and particle science at Texas A&M University. Twelve undergraduate students per year will spend ten weeks at Texas A&M performing research projects that are at the leading edge of nuclear and particle science, including sub-fields such as nuclear astrophysics, weak interactions, nuclear dynamics and thermodynamics, nuclear structure, RHIC, neutrinos, supersymetry, atomic ionizations, and radiation effects. There are proposed projects both in theoretical and experimental NPS. The Cyclotron Institute is a DOE Nuclear Physics Center of Excellence. The facilities include a K500 superconducting cyclotron and associated state-of the art detector systems. The Cyclotron Institute and the department of physics are also home base for involvement in experiments at other facilities, such as Fermilab, CERN, RHIC, ANL, Boulby Mine and TRIUMF. The faculty are leading scientists in the field and have a history of working with undergraduates in their research programs. Through this experience students will have a greater understanding of nuclear science, a better appreciation of research, and will have become more independent thinkers and problem solvers. These students will be better prepared for graduate school and more informed about some possible career choices.