selected publications academicarticle Zhang, S., Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2022). Superconductivity out of a non-Fermi liquid: Free energy analysis. 106(14), 144513. Wu, Y., Zhang, S., Abanov, A., & V. Chubukov, A. (2022). Odd frequency pairing in a quantum critical metal. Physical review B (PRB). 106(9), 094506. Zhang, S., Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2021). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum critical point in a metal. VI. The gamma model and its phase diagram at 2 < gamma < 3. Physical review B (PRB). 104(14), 144509. Abanov, A., Hayford, N., Khavinson, D., & Teodorescu, R. (2021). Around a theorem of F. Dyson and A. Lenard: Energy equilibria for point charge distributions in classical electrostatics. Expositiones Mathematicae. 39(2), 182-196. Wu, Y., Zhang, S., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2021). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior at a quantum-critical point in a metal. V. The gamma model and its phase diagram: The case gamma=2. Physical review B (PRB). 103(18), 184508. Chubukov, A. V., & Abanov, A. (2021). Pairing by a Dynamical Interaction in a Metal. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 132(4), 606-617. CHUBUKOV, A. V., & ABANOV, A. R. (2021). PAIRING BY A DYNAMICAL INTERACTION IN A METAL. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 159(4), 708-710. Wu, Y., Zhang, S., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2021). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum critical point in a metal. IV. The gamma model and its phase diagram at 1 < gamma < 2. Physical review B (PRB). 103(2), 024522. Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2020). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior at a quantum critical point in a metal. III. The gamma model and its phase diagram across gamma=1. Physical review B (PRB). 102(9), 094516. Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2020). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum critical point in a metal. I. The. model and its phase diagram at T=0: The case 0 < gamma < 1. Physical review B (PRB). 102(2), 024524. Wu, Y., Abanov, A., Wang, Y., & Chubukov, A. V. (2020). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum critical point in a metal. II. The gamma model at a finite T for 0 < gamma < 1. Physical review B (PRB). 102(2), 024525. Chubukov, A. V., Abanov, A., Esterlis, I., & Kivelson, S. A. (2020). Eliashberg theory of phonon-mediated superconductivity - When it is valid and how it breaks down. ANNALS OF PHYSICS. 417, 168190-168190. Chubukov, A. V., Abanov, A., Wang, Y., & Wu, Y. (2020). The interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal. ANNALS OF PHYSICS. 417, 168142-168142. Abanov, A., Beneteau, C., Khavinson, D., & Teodorescu, R. (2019). A free boundary problem associated with the isoperimetric inequality. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. 139(2), 677-696. Abanov, A., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., & Chubukov, A. V. (2019). Superconductivity above a quantum critical point in a metal: Gap closing versus gap filling, Fermi arcs, and pseudogap behavior. Physical review B (PRB). 99(18), 180506. Wu, Y., Abanov, A., Wang, Y., & Chubukov, A. V. (2019). Special role of the first Matsubara frequency for superconductivity near a quantum critical point: Nonlinear gap equation below T-c and spectral properties in real frequencies. Physical review B (PRB). 99(14), 144512. McKeever, B. F., Rodrigues, D. R., Pinna, D., Abanov, A. r., Sinova, J., & Everschor-Sitte, K. (2019). Characterizing breathing dynamics of magnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions within the Hamiltonian formalism. Physical review B (PRB). 99(5), 054430. Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2019). Pairing in quantum critical systems: Transition temperature, pairing gap, and their ratio. Physical review B (PRB). 99(1), 014502. Rodrigues, D. R., Abanov, A. r., Sinova, J., & Everschor-Sitte, K. (2018). Effective description of domain wall strings. Physical review B (PRB). 97(13), 134414. Everschor-Sitte, K., Sinova, J., & Abanov, A. (2018). Painting and erasing skyrmions. Nature Electronics. 1(5), 266-267. Rodrigues, D. R., Everschor-Sitte, K., Tretiakov, O. A., Sinova, J., & Abanov, A. r. (2017). Spin texture motion in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic nanowires. 95(17), 174408. Everschor-Sitte, K., Sitte, M., Valet, T., Abanov, A., & Sinova, J. (2017). Skyrmion production on demand by homogeneous DC currents. New Journal of Physics. 19(9), 092001-092001. Wang, Y., Abanov, A., Altshuler, B. L., Yuzbashyan, E. A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2016). Superconductivity near a Quantum-Critical Point: The Special Role of the First Matsubara Frequency. Physical Review Letters. 117(15), 157001. Sitte, M., Everschor-Sitte, K., Valet, T., Rodrigues, D. R., Sinova, J., & Abanov, A. r. (2016). Current-driven periodic domain wall creation in ferromagnetic nanowires. 94(6), 064422. Sitte, M., Everschor-Sitte, K., Valet, T., Rodrigues, D. R., Sinova, J., & Abanov, A. r. (2016). Current-driven periodic domain wall creation in ferromagnetic nanowires. Physical review B (PRB). 94(6), 064422. Tretiakov, O. A., & Abanov, A. r. (2015). Topologically protected dynamics of spin textures. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 383, 65-68. Hemmatiyan, S., Polini, M., Abanov, A., MacDonald, A. H., & Sinova, J. (2014). Stable path to ferromagnetic hydrogenated graphene growth. 90(3), 035433. Tretiakov, O. A., Liu, Y., & Abanov, A. r. (2012). Domain-wall dynamics in translationally nonivariant nanowires: theory and applications. Physical Review Letters. 108(24), 247201. Abanov, A. r., Pokrovsky, V. L., Saslow, W. M., & Zhou, P. (2012). Spin resonance in a quantum wire: Anomalous effects of an applied magnetic field. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85(8), 085311. Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., & Sinova, J. (2012). Thermoelectric efficiency of topological insulators in a magnetic field. Journal of Applied Physics. 111(7), 07e319-07E319. Liu, Y., Tretiakov, O. A., & Abanov, A. r. (2011). Electrical signature of magnetic domain-wall dynamics. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84(5), 052403. Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., & Sinova, J. (2011). Holey topological thermoelectrics. Applied Physics Letters. 99(11), 113110-113110. Murakami, S., Takahashi, R., Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., & Sinova, J. (2011). Thermoelectric transport of perfectly conducting channels in two- and three-dimensional topological insulators. 334(1), 012013-012013. Abanov, A. r., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (2011). Static properties of a Fermi gas of cooled atoms near a wide Feshbach resonance. Europhysics Letters. 93(1), 16005-16005. Tretiakov, O. A., Liu, Y., & Abanov, A. r. (2010). Minimization of Ohmic losses for domain wall motion in a ferromagnetic nanowire. Physical Review Letters. 105(21), 217203. Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., Murakami, S., & Sinova, J. (2010). Large thermoelectric figure of merit for three-dimensional topological Anderson insulators via line dislocation engineering. Applied Physics Letters. 97(7), 073108-073108. Abanov, A. r., Mineev-Weinstein, M., & Zabrodin, A. (2009). Multi-cut solutions of Laplacian growth. Physica D : Non-linear phenomena. 238(17), 1787-1796. Sun, D., Abanov, A. r., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (2008). Molecular production at a broad Feshbach resonance in a Fermi gas of cooled atoms. Europhysics Letters. 83(1), 16003-16003. Rivkin, K., Romanov, K., Abanov, A. r., Adamov, Y., & Saslow, W. M. (2008). Analytical and micromagnetic study of a Neel domain wall. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 77(21), 214419. Nunner, T. S., Sinitsyn, N. A., Borunda, M. F., Dugaev, V. K., Kovalev, A. A., Abanov, A. r., ... Sinova, J. (2007). Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas. Physical review B (PRB). 76(23), 235312. Abanov, A. R., Mineev-Weinstein, M., & Zabrodin, A. (2007). Self-similarity in laplacian growth. Physica D : Non-linear phenomena. 235(1-2), 62-71. Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. (2004). Anomalous scaling at the quantum critical point in itinerant antiferromagnets. Physical Review Letters. 93(25), 255702. Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2004). Spin resonance and high-frequency optical properties of the cuprates. Physical review B (PRB). 70(10), 100504. Balatsky, A. V., Abanov, A., & Zhu, J. X. (2004). Inelastic tunneling spectroscopy in a d-wave superconductor. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 408, 246-247. Balatsky, A. V., Abanov, A., & Zhu, J. X. (2003). Inelastic tunneling spectroscopy in a d-wave superconductor. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 68(21), 214506. Curro, N. J., Sarrao, J. L., Thompson, J. D., Pagliuso, P. G., Kos, S., Abanov, A. r., & Pines, D. (2003). Low-frequency spin dynamics in the CeMIn5 materials. Physical Review Letters. 90(22), 227202. Abanov, A., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2003). Quantum-critical theory of the spin fermion model and its application to cuprates: normal state analysis. Advances In Physics. 52(3), 119-218. Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., Eschrig, M., Norman, M. R., & Schmalian, J. (2002). Neutron resonance in the cuprates and its effect on fermionic excitations. Physical Review Letters. 89(17), 177002. Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. V. (2002). Differential sum rule for the relaxation rate in the cuprates. Physical Review Letters. 88(21), 217001. Haslinger, R., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. (2002). ARPES in the normal state of the cuprates: Comparing the marginal Fermi-liquid and spin-fluctuation scenarios. Europhysics Letters. 58(2), 271-277. Abanov, A., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2001). Quantum-critical superconductivity in underdoped cuprates. Europhysics Letters. 55(3), 369-375. Abanov, A., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2001). Fingerprints of spin mediated pairing in cuprates. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 117, 129-151. Abanov, A., Chubukov, A. V., & Finkel'stein, A. M. (2001). Coherent vs. incoherent pairing in 2D systems near magnetic instability. Europhysics Letters. 54(4), 488-494. Abanov, A., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2001). Singularities in the optical response of cuprates. Physical review B (PRB). 63(18), 180510. Bruch, L. W., & Abanov, A. (2001). Asymptotic speed ratio in a free helium jet. Journal of Chemical Physics. 115(22), 10261-10264. Haslinger, R., Chubukov, A. V., & Abanov, A. (2001). Spectral function and conductivity in the normal state of the cuprates: A spin fluctuation study. Physical review B (PRB). 63(2), 020503. Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2000). Spin-fermion model near the quantum critical point: one-loop renormalization group results. Physical Review Letters. 84(24), 5608-5611. Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2000). A relation between the resonance neutron peak and ARPES data in cuprates. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 280(1-4), 189-193. Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2000). SIN and SIS tunneling in cuprates. Physical review B (PRB). 61(14), R9241-R9244. Chubukov, A. V., Gemelke, N., & Abanov, A. (2000). Relative positions of the 2 Delta peaks in Raman and tunneling spectra of d-wave superconductors. Physical review B (PRB). 61(10), R6467-R6470. Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2000). A relation between the resonance neutron peak and ARPES data in cuprates (vol 83, pg 1652, 1999). Physical Review Letters. 84(2), 398-398. Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (1999). A relation between the resonance neutron peak and ARPES data in cuprates. Physical Review Letters. 83(8), 1652-1655. Abanov, A., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (1998). Skyrmion in a real magnetic film. Physical review B (PRB). 58(14), R8889-R8892. Abanov, A., Kashuba, A., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (1997). Long-wavelength anomalous diffusion mode in the two-dimensional XY dipole magnet. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter). 56(6), 3181-3195. Kashuba, A., Abanov, A., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (1996). Spin Diffusion in 2D XY Ferromagnet with Dipolar Interaction. 77(12), 2554-2557. Abanov, A., Kalatsky, V., Pokrovsky, V. L., & Saslow, W. M. (1995). Phase diagram of ultrathin ferromagnetic films with perpendicular anisotropy. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter). 51(2), 1023-1038. conference paper Tretiakov, O. A., Liu, Y., & Abanov, A. r. (2011). Power optimization for domain wall motion in ferromagnetic nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics. 07d505-07D505. institutional repository document Abanov, A., Zhang, S., & Chubukov, A. (2024). Non-BCS behavior of the pairing susceptibility near the onset of superconductivity in a quantum-critical metal Mankenberg, J., & Abanov, A. (2024). Thickness-Driven Transitions Between Novel Magnetic States in Ferromagnetic Films Zhang, S., Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2022). Superconductivity out of a non-Fermi liquid. Free energy analysis Wu, Y., Zhang, S., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2022). Odd frequency pairing in a quantum critical metal Zhang, S., Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2021). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal. VI. The $gamma$ model and its phase diagram at $2 < gamma <3$ Wu, Y., Zhang, S., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2021). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal: V. The $gamma$ model and its phase diagram. The case $gamma =2$ Chubukov, A. V., & Abanov, A. (2020). Pairing by a dynamical interaction in a metal Wu, Y., Zhang, S., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2020). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal. IV: The $gamma$ model and its phase diagram at $1 Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2020). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal. III: The $gamma$ model and its phase diagram across $gamma = 1$ Wu, Y., Abanov, A., Wang, Y., & Chubukov, A. V. (2020). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum critical point in a metal. II. The $gamma$-model at a finite $T$ for $0 Chubukov, A. V., Abanov, A., Esterlis, I., & Kivelson, S. A. (2020). Eliashberg theory of phonon-mediated superconductivity -- when it is valid and how it breaks down Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2020). Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal. I: The $gamma$-model and its phase diagram at $T=0$. The case $0 < gamma <1$ Abanov, A., Hayford, N., Khavinson, D., & Teodorescu, R. (2020). Around a theorem of F. Dyson and A. Lenard: Energy Equilibria for Point Charge Distributions in Classical Electrostatics Chubukov, A. V., Abanov, A., Wang, Y., & Wu, Y. (2019). The interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal Abanov, A., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., & Chubukov, A. V. (2018). Superconductivity above a quantum critical point in a metal -- gap closing vs gap filling, Fermi arcs, and pseudogap behavior Wu, Y., Abanov, A., Wang, Y., & Chubukov, A. V. (2018). The special role of the first Matsubara frequency for superconductivity near a quantum-critical point -- the non-linear gap equation below $T_c$ and spectral properties in real frequencies Wu, Y., Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2018). Pairing in quantum-critical systems: $T_c$, $Delta$, and their ratio McKeever, B. F., Rodrigues, D. R., Pinna, D., Abanov, A. r., Sinova, J., & Everschor-Sitte, K. (2018). Characterizing breathing dynamics of magnetic (anti-)skyrmions within the Hamiltonian formalism Rodrigues, D. R., Abanov, A. r., Sinova, J., & Everschor-Sitte, K. (2017). Effective description of domain wall strings Rodrigues, D. R., Everschor-Sitte, K., Tretiakov, O. A., Sinova, J., & Abanov, A. r. (2017). Spin texture motion in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic nanowires Everschor-Sitte, K., Sitte, M., Valet, T., Abanov, A. r., & Sinova, J. (2016). Skyrmion production on demand by homogeneous DC currents Sitte, M., Everschor-Sitte, K., Valet, T., Rodrigues, D. R., Sinova, J., & Abanov, A. (2016). Current-driven periodic domain wall creation in ferromagnetic nano-wires Wang, Y., Abanov, A. G., Altshuler, B. L., Yuzbashyan, E. A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2016). Superconductivity near a quantum-critical point: The special role of the first Matsubara frequency Abanov, A. r., Beneteau, C., Khavinson, D., & Teodorescu, R. (2016). A free boundary problem associated with the isoperimetric inequality Rodrigues, D. R., Sinova, J., & Abanov, A. r. (2015). Current driven domain wall creation in ferromagnetic nano-wires Tretiakov, O. A., & Abanov, A. r. (2015). Topologically Protected Dynamics of Spin Textures Hemmatiyan, S., Polini, M., Abanov, A., MacDonald, A. H., & Sinova, J. (2014). A stable path to ferromagnetic hydrogenated graphene growth Cabrera, H., Zanin, D. A., De Pietro, L. G., Michaels, T. h., Thalmann, P., Ramsperger, U., ... Abanov, A. r. (2013). Scale invariance of a diodelike tunnel junction. Physical review B (PRB). Cabrera, H., Zanin, D. A., De Pietro, L. G., Michaels, T. h., Thalmann, P., Ramsperger, U., ... Abanov, A. r. (2013). Scale invariance of a diodelike tunnel junction Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., & Sinova, J. (2011). Thermoelectric efficiency of topological insulators in a magnetic field Tretiakov, O. A., Liu, Y., & Abanov, A. r. (2011). Domain-wall dynamics in translationally noninvariant nanowires: theory and applications Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., & Sinova, J. (2011). Holey topological thermoelectrics Liu, Y., Tretiakov, O. A., & Abanov, A. r. (2011). Electric signature of magnetic domain-wall dynamics Tretiakov, O. A., & Abanov, A. r. (2010). Current driven magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic nanowires with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Physical Review Letters. Tretiakov, O. A., Liu, Y., & Abanov, A. r. (2010). Power optimization for domain wall motion in ferromagnetic nanowires Murakami, S., Takahashi, R., Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., & Sinova, J. (2010). Thermoelectric transport of perfectly conducting channels in two- and three-dimensional topological insulators Abanov, A. r., Pokrovsky, V. L., Saslow, W. M., & Zhou, P. (2010). Spin Resonance and dc Current Generation in a Quantum Wire Tretiakov, O. A., Abanov, A. r., Murakami, S., & Sinova, J. (2010). Large thermoelectric figure of merit for 3D topological Anderson insulators via line dislocation engineering Tretiakov, O. A., Liu, Y., & Abanov, A. r. (2010). Minimization of Ohmic losses for domain wall motion in a ferromagnetic nanowire Vorontsov, A. B., Abanov, A. r., Vavilov, M. G., & Chubukov, A. V. (2010). Reduced effect of impurities on the universal pairing scale in the cuprates. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Tretiakov, O. A., & Abanov, A. r. (2009). Current driven magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic nanowires with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction Vorontsov, A. B., Abanov, A. r., Vavilov, M. G., & Chubukov, A. V. (2009). Reduced effect of impurities on the universal pairing scale in the cuprates Rivkin, K., Romanov, K., Adamov, Y., Abanov, A., Pokrovsky, V., & Saslow, W. M. (2009). Continuous Neel-to-Bloch transition in strips whose thickness increases: Statics and dynamics. Europhysics Letters. Sun, D., Abanov, A. r., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (2009). Static and Dynamic properties of a Fermi-gas of cooled atoms near a wide Feshbach resonance Abanov, A. r., Mineev-Weinstein, M., & Zabrodin, A. (2008). Multi-Cuts Solutions of Laplacian Growth Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., & Norman, M. R. (2008). Gap anisotropy and universal pairing scale in a spin-fluctuation model of cuprate superconductors. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Rivkin, K., Romanov, K., Adamov, Y., Abanov, A., Pokrovsky, V., & Saslow, W. (2008). Continuous Neel to Bloch Transition as Thickness Increases: Statics and Dynamics Sun, D., Abanov, A. r., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (2007). Molecular production at a wide Feshbach resonance in Fermi-gas of cooled atoms Nunner, T. S., Sinitsyn, N. A., Borunda, M. F., Kovalev, A. A., Abanov, A. r., Timm, C., ... Sinova, J. (2007). Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas Abanov, A. r., Mineev-Weinstein, M., & Zabrodin, A. (2006). Self-similarity in Laplacian Growth Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. (2004). Anomalous scaling at the quantum critical point Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. V. (2004). The spin resonance and high frequency optical properties of the cuprates Chubukov, A. V., Abanov, A., & Basov, D. N. (2003). Differential sum rule for the relaxation rate in dirty superconductors. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Chubukov, A. V., Abanov, A. r., & Basov, D. N. (2003). The differential sum rule for the relaxation rate in dirty superconductors Balatsky, A. V., Abanov, A. r., & Zhu, J. (2002). Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy in a D-wave Superconductor Abanov, A. G., & Abanov, A. (2002). Berry phase for a ferromagnet with fractional spin. Physical review B (PRB). Curro, N. J., Pagliuso, P. G., Sarrao, J. L., Thompson, J. D., Kos, S., Abanov, A. r., & Pines, D. (2002). Low Frequency Spin Dynamics in the CeMIn_5 Materials Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., Eschrig, M., Norman, M. R., & Schmalian, J. (2001). The neutron resonance in the cuprates and its effect on fermionic excitations Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. V. (2001). The differential sum rule for the relaxation rate in the cuprates Haslinger, R., Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. (2001). ARPES in the normal state of the cuprates: comparing the marginal Fermi liquid and spin fluctuation scenarios Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2001). Quantum-critical theory of the spin-fermion model and its application to cuprates. Normal state analysis Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2001). Singularities in the optical response of cuprates Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2000). Fingerprints of spin-fermion pairing in cuprates Haslinger, R., Chubukov, A. V., & Abanov, A. r. (2000). Spectral function and conductivity in the normal state of the cuprates: a spin fluctuation study Abanov, A., & Chubukov, A. V. (2000). Condensation energy in the spin-fermion model for cuprates. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., & Schmalian, J. (2000). Quantum-critical superconductivity in underdoped cuprates Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. V. (2000). Spin-fermion model near the quantum critical point: one-loop renormalization group results Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. V. (2000). SIN and SIS tunneling in cuprates Abanov, A. r., Chubukov, A. V., & Finkel'stein, A. M. (1999). Coherent vs incoherent pairing in 2D systems near magnetic instability Chubukov, A. V., Gemelke, N., & Abanov, A. r. (1999). On the relative positions of the $2Delta$ peaks in Raman and tunneling spectra of d-wave superconductors Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. V. (1999). Condensation energy in the spin-fermion model for cuprates Abanov, A. r., & Chubukov, A. V. (1999). A relation between the resonance neutron peak and ARPES data in cuprates Abanov, A. r., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (1998). Skyrmion in a real magnetic film Abanov, A. r., Kashuba, A., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (1996). Long Wavelength Anomalous Diffusion Mode in the 2D XY Dipole Magnet Kashuba, A., Abanov, A. r., & Pokrovsky, V. L. (1996). Spin Diffusion in 2D XY Ferromagnet with Dipolar Interaction
principal investigator on Spin-Dependent Transport and Thermoelectric Phenomena In Multi- Band Systems awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2011 - 2015
teaching activities PHYS222 Modern Phys For Engrs Instructor PHYS285 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS291 Research Instructor PHYS302 Advanced Mechanics I Instructor PHYS303 Advanced Mechanics Ii Instructor PHYS408 Thermo & Stat Mechanics Instructor PHYS485 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS491 Hnr-research Instructor PHYS601 Analytical Mechanics Instructor PHYS681 Seminar Instructor PHYS685 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS691 Research Instructor PHYS691 Research: In-absentia Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Cernov, Cristian (2021-05). Topological and Electrochemical Properties of Organometallic Tin Polymers and Tin-Substitution Diamonds. Gayles, Jacob Davis (2016-12). Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya Interaction and Hall Effects in Bulk Chiral Magnets from First Principle Calculations. Hemmatiyan, Shayan (2016-12). Spintronics in Half-Passivated Graphene. Liu, Yang (2012-10). Current-driven Domain Wall Dynamics And Its Electric Signature In Ferromagnetic Nanowires. Rohe Salomon Da Rosa Rodrigues, Davi (2018-05). Towards a New Generation of Nonvolatile Memory Devices: Creation and Manipulation of Topological Magnetic Structures by Electric Current.
education and training M.S. in Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (Dolgoprudnyy, Russia) 1998 Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1998 B.S. in Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (Dolgoprudnyy, Russia) 1991
awards and honors Fellow, conferred by American Physical Society - (College Park, Maryland, United States), 2015
mailing address Texas A&M University Physics And Astronomy 4242 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4242 USA