Workshop: US-Italy Collaborative Research in Advanced Manufacturing; Washington, D.C.; June 2017
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This award provides workshop support to foster collaboration between advanced manufacturing researchers in the Unites States and Italy. The advanced manufacturing landscape in both the U.S. and Italy shares many commonalities in terms of basic research portfolio, federal investments in research and infrastructural needs for next-generation manufacturing technology and process development. However, there exist limited venues through which U.S. and Italian researchers can interact to efficiently combine their complementary strengths and synergies, while minimizing significant overlap. To this end, the proposed workshop will bring together American and Italian researchers in advanced manufacturing to promote joint bilateral projects between the two countries, and make recommendations for best practices and mechanisms for efficient long-term collaborations between researchers from U.S. and Italy.The workshop is consistent with the NSF-ERC Implementing Arrangement signed by Dr. Suresh with the European Commission in July 2012, and will be held in Washington, DC, in June 2017. About 40 American and Italian researchers in advanced manufacturing, with expertise in broad research areas and from a range of different universities / research institutions, will attend the workshop. The objectives of the workshop include: (a) examining research needs in advanced manufacturing across a broad spectrum of technologies; (b) identifying best practices and opportunities for collaboration between researchers from these two countries; (c) formulating recommendations for future joint research initiatives and funded projects; (d) providing a forum through which researchers can network and build collaborations; and (e) identifying administrative, organizational, structural and cultural challenges / barriers that impede effective collaboration between American and Italian researchers.