211 At Production at Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
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211At Production at Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute Alpha emitting radionuclides are promising new tools in the arsenal to combat cancer. 211At has emerged as one of the most advantageous due to its decay scheme. The K150 cyclotron at Texas A&M can produce an alpha beam to make the 211At through the (alpha,2n) reaction with a Bi target. In order to reliably produce useable quantities of 211At in a chemical form that can be used to create radiopharmaceuticals three areas must be addressed: beam intensity, targetry and chemical separation. This proposal addresses these areas of needed improvement. The ultimate goal of this program is to position Texas A&M to provide 211At through the National Isotope Development Center. Successful completion of this project will bring that goal closer toward realization.