Woodley, Kara Kristine (2023-06). Before Culturally Responsive Teaching...Do They Even Know Culture: Exploration of Virtual Middle School Teacher Perception of ADHD and Culture. Doctoral Dissertation.
The purpose of the study was to understand the virtual teacher's knowledge and perception of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in their middle school students with regard to cultural difference and gender difference. ADHD is the most common behavioral disorder in students aged 3-17, with almost 10% of students in the United States having a diagnosis of ADHD (National Survey of Children's Health, NSCH, 2016). This case study was performed with a constructivist design. The participant interviews and surveys were coded for patterns and themes using Delve. The findings revealed participant's knowledge and perception about ADHD as a behavioral disorder, the understanding of the behavior disorder as it relates to gendered differences and participants' perceptions of race and ADHD in the classroom setting.