Travel Award Program for Young Scientists to Attend 25th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-25), to be held in Florence, Italy May 20-23 2018 Grant uri icon


  • CBET-1831107 PI: Benjamin A. Wilhite This grant will provide partial travel support for twenty US-based young scientists to attend the 25th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-25), to be held in Florence, Italy May 20-23 2018. This biennial international symposium focuses on the frontiers of Chemical Reaction Engineering (CRE) and provides an opportunity for international networking in the reaction engineering community. CRE is the discipline that quantifies the interactions of transport phenomena and reaction rates in relating chemical reactor performance to operating conditions and feed variables. The organizing committee of ISCRE-25 has a broad range of skills in chemical reaction engineering and will provide for a vibrant and diverse international symposium. It is anticipated that more than 200 attendees will participate based on data from previous conferences. ISCRE-25 is organized by a team of 15 European faculty and industry practitioners, supported by an international scientific committee of 32 leading members of the CRE community spanning the Americas, Europe and Asia. The Conference will include 6 invited plenary lectures, 12 keynote lectures, selected lecture presentations, and poster sessions. The focus areas of the Conference are: 1. Chemical Kinetics, 2. Advances in Chemical Reaction Engineering and Design. 3. Multiscale Approaches to Chemical Reaction Engineering. 4. Novel Materials in Chemical Reaction Engineering. The meeting participants will benefit from state-of-the-art reviews and presentations by leading experts, by exchanging the latest advances on frontier research subjects, and by debating controversial points with their peers in the CRE discipline. The meeting will also provide an opportunity for interaction and cooperation among industrial and academic researchers. The award of travel funds and registration subsidy is expected to attract young scientists from the US to the meeting that they may otherwise be unable to attend. The participants will have an opportunity to interact with each other and with experienced researchers in the field, which could positively influence their professional development. This award reflects NSF''s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation''s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

date/time interval

  • 2018 - 2019