Design and manufacturing of a hydrogen permeation cell for hydrogen embrittlement research studies
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Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) is one of the major causes of failure in the oil and gas Industry coming after corrosion and fatigue. HIC is a brittle fracture of an alloy due to the penetration and diffusion of hydrogen into their microstructure. HIC occurs when the alloy under service is subject to mechanical stresses in an environment rich on hydrogen Characterizing qualitatively and quantitatively the hydrogen uptake and permeation in metals contribute to the understanding of the hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms but also to identify the susceptibility of certain alloys to HIC. In the last few years, significant facilities in Qatar at Texas A&M University were built in order to study corrosion and also hydrogen embrittlement in the real conditions of the Qatari oil and gas environment (high pressure, high temperature and high concentration of H2S), these facilities consists of high pressure, high temperature dynamic autoclaves, constant extension rate testing machine and Galvanostats/Potentiostats for electrochemical measurements. Adding to these facilities, hydrogen permeation cells will enhance considerably the capabilities of studying and understanding the hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms. The main objectives of this Undergraduate Research Experience Program are the design and manufacturing of a hydrogen permeation cell for studying hydrogen embrittlement and through this engineering experience initiate an undergraduate students into several aspect of the materials science and the design process.