selected publications academicarticle Hepfer, B. F., Judd, H. W., & Rice, S. C. (2024). Signaling Innovation: The Nontax Benefits of Claiming R&D Tax Credits*. 101718-101718. Bapna, R., Day, R., & Rice, S. C. (2020). Allocative Efficiency in Online Auctions: Improving the Performance of Multiple Online Auctions via Seek-and-Protect Agents McGuire, S. T., Neuman, S. S., & Rice, S. C. (2020). Interim Effective Tax Rate Estimates and Internal Control Quality. Contemporary Accounting Research. 37(1), 603-633. Christensen, B. E., Neuman, S. S., & Rice, S. C. (2019). The Loss of Information Associated with Binary Audit Reports: Evidence from Auditors' Internal Control and Going Concern Opinions. Contemporary Accounting Research. 36(3), 1461-1500. Christensen, B. E., Neuman, S. S., & Rice, S. C. (2018). The Loss of Information Associated with Binary Audit Reports: Evidence from Auditors' Internal Control and Going Concern Opinions Bapna, R., Qiu, L., & Rice, S. (2017). Repeated Interactions Versus Social Ties: Quantifying the Economic Value of Trust, Forgiveness, and Reputation Using a Field Experiment. MIS Quarterly. 41(3), 841-866. Bapna, R., Gupta, A., Rice, S., & Sundararajan, A (2017). Trust and the Strength of Ties in Online Social Networks: An Exploratory Field Experiment. MIS Quarterly. 41(1), 115-130. Rice, S. C., Weber, D. P., & Wu, B. (2015). Does SOX 404 Have Teeth? Consequences of the Failure to Report Existing Internal Control Weaknesses. 90(3), 1169-1200. Leone, A. J., Rice, S., Weber, J. P., & Willenborg, M. (2013). How Do Auditors Behave During Periods of Market Euphoria? The Case of Internet IPOs*. 30(1), 182-214. Bapna, R., Gupta, A., Rice, S. C., & Sundararajan, A. (2013). Trust, Reciprocity and the Strength of Social Ties: Evidence from an Economic Experiment in an Online Social Network RICE, S. C., & WEBER, D. P. (2012). How Effective Is Internal Control Reporting under SOX 404? Determinants of the (Non)Disclosure of Existing Material Weaknesses. 50(3), 811-843. Rice, S. C. (2012). Reputation and Uncertainty in Online Markets: An Experimental Study. Information systems research. 23(2), 436-452. Bapna, R., Dellarocas, C., & Rice, S. (2010). Vertically Differentiated Simultaneous Vickrey Auctions: Theory and Experimental Evidence. Management science. 56(7), 1074-1092. Christensen, B. E., Rice, S. C., & Seidel, T. A. A Tale of Two Incentives: Investigating Auditors Willingness to Reveal Prior Misstatements
teaching activities ACCT328 Financial Reporting Ii Instructor ACCT610 Financial Accounting Instructor ACCT685 Directed Studies Instructor MGMT611 Microfound Bus Behav Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Accounting and Management of Information, The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States) 2007