selected publications academicarticle Jazairy, A. Aligning the purchase of green logistics practices between shippers and logistics service providers. Transportation Research. 82, 102305-102305. Jazairy, A., & von Haartman, R. Analysing the institutional pressures on shippers and logistics service providers to implement green supply chain management practices. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. 23(1), 44-84. Brndstrm, J., Jazairy, A., & Lindgreen, E. R. Barriers to adopting circular business models: A crosssectoral analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment. 33(5), 4331-4350. Jazairy, A., Brho, M., Manuj, I., & Goldsby, T. J. Cyber risk management strategies and integration: toward supply chain cyber resilience and robustness. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 54(11), 1-29. Jazairy, A., Pohjosenper, T., Sassali, J., Juga, J., & von Haartman, R. Driving the talk: examining professional truck drivers' motivations to engage in eco-driving. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 53(11), 98-124. Jazairy, A., Persson, E., Brho, M., von Haartman, R., & Hilletofth, P. Drones in last-mile delivery: a systematic literature review from a logistics management perspective. International Journal of Logistics Management. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), Jazairy, A., Lenhardt, J., & von Haartman, R. Improving logistics performance in cross-border 3PL relationships. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. 20(5), 491-513. Jazairy, A., Pohjosenper, T., Prataviera, L. B., & Juntunen, J. Innovators and Transformers Revisiting the gap between academia and practice: insights from the green logistics phenomenon. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), Jazairy, A., & von Haartman, R. Measuring the gaps between shippers and logistics service providers on green logistics throughout the logistics purchasing process. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 51(1), 25-47. Prataviera, L. B., Jazairy, A., & Abushaikha, I. Navigating the intersection between postponement strategies and additive manufacturing: insights and research agenda. International Journal of Production Research. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-23. Brho, M., Jazairy, A., & Glassburner, A. V. The Finance of Cybersecurity: Quantitative Modeling of Investment Decisions and Net Present Value. International Journal of Production Economics. 109448-109448. Jazairy, A., von Haartman, R., & Bjrklund, M. Unravelling collaboration mechanisms for green logistics: the perspectives of shippers and logistics service providers. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 51(4), 423-448.
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