Ellis, Evan D (2013-12). Preserving a Heritage: Creating a More Beneficial Historic Structure Report, for Contractors and a University. Master's Thesis.
Historic structure reports (HSR) are multidisciplinary and offer much needed understanding to all that use them. These reports are created to help architects, contractors and owners understand the historic importance of features and the building. This study investigates the importance of historic structure reports and how they can be more beneficial. The study created an outline to be utilized on Texas A&M's College Station campus, on existing building that were constructed prior to 1940. This outline was created using literature and examples of HSRs. Then interviews were conducted with professionals from public universities of the same size as Texas A&M, historic preservation professionals, and general contractors. Following the interviews a more elaborate and beneficial outline was created. After modifying the HSR outline to be used on campus, the following conclusions could be made. The creation of these reports is beneficial to everyone that uses them on preservation projects. It is important to create a full HSR that even goes a step further than most, which addresses means and methods for implementation and addresses code compliant issues, and offers solutions. The creation of the HSR in academic setting offers research and economically benefits for the university.