selected publications academicarticle Resch, R (2001). The Sound of Sci(l)ence: Zizek's Concept of Ideology Critique. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 6(1), 6-20. Resch, R (1999). Running on Empty: Zizek's Concept of the Subject. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 4(3), 92-99. Resch, R (1997). The Sublime Object of Liminality: A Critique of Homi Bhabha. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 2(2), 109-120. Resch, R. P. (1997). Utopia, dystopia, and the middle class in George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'. Boundary 2: an International Journal of Literature and Culture. 24(1), 137-176. RESCH, R. P (1989). ON THE SUBJECT OF CLASS - HISTORY, POLITICS AND ECONOMIC DETERMINATION. 9, 91-121. Resch, R. P (1989). Modernism, Postmodernism, and Social Theory: A Comparison of Althusser and Foucault. Poetics Today: international journal for theory and analysis of literature and communication. 10(3), 511-511. book Resch, R. P (1992). Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory chapter Resch, R. (2007). A Rock and a Hard Place: Althusser, Structuralism, Communism and the Death of the Anticapitalist Left. Bevir, M., Hargis, J., & Rushing, S. (Eds.), Histories of Postmodernism. (pp. 73-102). Routledge. Resch, R. (2005). What if God Were One of Us? Zizek's Political Ontology. Boucher, G., Glynos, J., & Sharpe, M. (Eds.), Traversing the Fantasy Critical Responses to Slavoj iek. (pp. 89-104). Ashgate Publishing Co..
teaching activities HIST102 Western Civ Since 1660 Instructor HIST105 History Of The U S Instructor HIST106 History Of The U S Instructor HIST334 Hist Europe 19th Century Instructor HIST420 Intell Hist 1700-1900 Instructor HIST421 20th Cent Intell Hist Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in History, University of California, Davis - (Davis, California, United States) 1985