selected publications academicarticle Silva, P., Jacobs, D., Kriak, J., Abu-Baker, A., Udeani, G., Neal, G., & Ramos, K. (2021). Implementation of Pharmacogenomics and Artificial Intelligence Tools for Chronic Disease Management in Primary Care Setting. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 11(6), 443-443. O'Brocta, R., Abu-Baker, A., Budukh, P., Gandhi, M., Lavigne, J., & Birnie, C. (2012). A continuous professional development process for first-year pharmacy students. 76(2), 29-29. O'Brocta, R., Abu-Baker, A., Budukh, P., Gandhi, M., Lavigne, J., & Birnie, C. (2012). A continuous professional development process for first-year pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 76(2), 1-6. Sukkari, S. R., Sasich, L. D., Tuttle, D. A., Abu-Baker, A. M., & Howell, H. (2008). Development and evaluation of a required patient safety course. 72(3), 65-65. Stroup, J., Kane, M. P., & Abu-Baker, A. M. (2008). Teriparatide in the treatment of osteoporosis. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 65(6), 532-539. Stroup, J. S., Rivers, S. M., Abu-Baker, A. M., & Kane, M. P. (2007). Two-year changes in bone mineral density and T scores in patients treated at a pharmacist-run teriparatide clinic. Pharmacotherapy. 27(6), 779-788. Kane, M. P., Abu-Baker, A., & Busch, R. S. (2005). The utility of oral diabetes medications in type 2 diabetes of the young. Current Diabetes Reviews. 1(1), 83-92. conference paper Lavigne, J. E., & Abu-Baker, A. (2014). NIH Center of Excellence in Pain Education Interprofessional Case Studies: Applications in Social Pharmacy and Experiential Education. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. E74-E74. Abu-Baker, A., & Lavigne, J. E. (2014). Developing Population Based Health Literacy and Pain Management Quality Improvement Initiatives through Pharmacy Education: Tools and Strategies. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. E73-E74.
teaching activities PHAR601 Forum/stdnt Portfolios/pd I Instructor PHAR602 Core Recitation(p1) Instructor PHAR701 Forum/stdnt Portfolios/pd Ii Instructor PHAR702 Core Recitation (p2) Instructor PHAR705 Ippe Iii:comm. Pharm Practice Instructor PHAR706 Ippe:inst Phar Practiceexp Instructor PHAR789 Sptp: Vet Pharmacotherapy Instructor PHAR801 Forum/stdntportfolios/pd Iii Instructor PHAR802 Core Recitation (p3) Instructor PHAR805 Grand Rounds Ii Capstone Instructor PHAR820 Appe: Elective I Instructor PHAR821 Appe: Elective Ii Instructor PHAR822 Appe: Elective Iii Instructor PHAR870 Appe: Administration Instructor PHAR871 Pharmaceutical Care Lab Instructor PHAR873 Pharmacy Professionalism Instructor PHAR874 Pre-appe Capstone Instructor PHAR876 Appe:acute Care Gnrl Med Instructor PHAR877 Appe: Ambulatory Care Instructor PHAR878 Appe: Community Practice Instructor PHAR879 Appe:hospital/hlth Sys Pharm Instructor PHAR899 Appe: Speciality Pharm Prac Instructor