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Tabacaru, Simona Associate Librarian


I am currently an Associate Assessment Librarian at the Texas A&M University Libraries. In this last role, I strategically focus on the assessment of library programs and services. Specifically, I collect, organize, and analyze institutional and collection data to facilitate data-driven, evidence-based decisions in support of Texas A&M University's educational and research mission.

My research and publications are strategically aligned with my assessment activities, focusing on the design, development, and application of practical and creative approaches to collection development and assessment, and demonstrating the value and impact of library resources on the academic community. I have an interest in practical and creative approaches to collection management and assessment (e.g., approval plans, demand driven acquisitions, assessment of serials and "big deals", electronic resources management systems). I am particularly interested in implementing a sustainable approach to collection assessment.

Research Areas research areas

HR job title

  • Full Librarian