selected publications academicarticle McAnally, M. L (2013). Introduction. Issues in Accounting Education. 28(2), 321-322. McAnally, M. L., McGuire, S. T., & Weaver, C. D. (2010). Assessing the Financial Reporting Consequences of Conversion to IFRS: The Case of Equity-Based Compensation. Accounting Horizons. 24(4), 589-621. Ahmed, A. S., McAnally, M. L., Rasmussen, S., & Weaver, C. D. (2010). How costly is the Sarbanes Oxley Act? Evidence on the effects of the Act on corporate profitability. Journal of Corporate Finance. 16(3), 352-369. Koonce, L., Lipe, M. G., & McAnally, M. L. (2008). Investor reactions to derivative use and outcomes. Review of accounting studies. 13(4), 571-597. McAnally, M. L., Srivastava, A., & Weaver, C. D. (2008). Executive stock options, missed earnings targets, and earnings management. Accounting Review. 83(1), 185-216. McAnally, M. L., Srivastava, A., & Weaver, C. D. (2007). Executive Stock Options, Missed Earnings Targets and Earnings Management Koonce, L., Lipe, M. G., & McAnally, M. L. (2006). Investor Reactions to Derivative Use: Experimental Evidence Gramlich, J. D., Mayew, W. J., & McAnally, M. L. (2006). Debt Reclassification and Capital Market Consequences. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. 33(7-8), 1189-1212. Gramlich, J. D., Mayew, W. J., & McAnally, M. L. (2006). Debt reclassification and capital market consequences. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. 33(7-8), 1189-1212. Hodder, L. D., Mayew, W. J., McAnally, M. L., & Weaver, C. D. (2006). Employee Stock Option Fair-Value Estimates: Do Managerial Discretion and Incentives Explain Accuracy?. 23. Koonce, L., McAnally, M. L., & Mercer, M. (2005). How do investors judge the risk of financial items?. Accounting Review. 80(1), 221-241. Koonce, L., Lipe, M. G., & McAnally, M. L. (2005). Judging the risk of financial instruments: Problems and potential remedies. Accounting Review. 80(3), 871-895. Hodder, L., McAnally, M. L., & Weaver, C. D. (2003). The influence of tax and nontax factors on banks' choice of organizational form. Accounting Review. 78(1), 297-325. Hodder, L. D., Kohlbeck, M. J., & McAnally, M. L. (2002). Accounting Choices and Risk Management: SFAS 115 and U.S. Bank Holding Companies Hodder, L., Kohlbeck, M., & McAnally, M. L (2002). Accounting Choices and Risk Management: SFAS No. 115 and U.S. Bank Holding Companies*. Contemporary Accounting Research. 19(2), 225-270. Koonce, L., McAnally, M. L., & Mercer, M. (2001). How Do Investors Judge the Risk of Derivative and Non-Derivative Financial Items? Gramlich, J. D., McAnally, M. L., & Thomas, J. (2001). Balance Sheet Management: The Case of ShortTerm Obligations Reclassified as LongTerm Debt. Journal of Accounting Research. 39(2), 283-295. Hodder, L., Koonce, L., & McAnally, M. L (2001). SEC Market Risk Disclosures: Implications for Judgment and Decision Making. Accounting Horizons. 15(1), 49-70. Hodder, L., & McAnally, M. L. (2001). SEC Market-Risk Disclosures: Enhancing Comparability. Financial Analysts Journal. 57(2), 62-78. Koonce, L., McAnally, M. L., & Hodder, L. D. (2000). Behavioral Implications of the SEC Market Risk Disclosures Beaver, W. H., McAnally, M. L., & Stinson, C. H. (1997). The information content of earnings and prices: A simultaneous equations approach. Journal of Accounting. 23(1), 53-81. McAnally, M. L. (1996). Banks, Risk, and FAS105 Disclosures. JAAF: Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance. 11(3), 453-490. book Easton, P. D., Wild, J. J., Halsey, R. F., & Mcanally, M. L. (2015). Financial Accounting for MBAs, 6e. Cambridge Business Publishers. Easton, P. D., McAnally, M. L., Sommers, G. A., & Zhang, X (2015). Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Easton, P. D., Halsey, R. F., McAnally, M. L., & Hartgraves, A. L (2014). Financial and Managerial Accounting Form MBA's. Ingram. Engel, E. E., Hirst, D. E., & McAnally, M. L (2012). Cases in Financial Reporting conference paper Hodder, L., Mayew, W. J., McAnally, M. L., & Weaver, C. D. (2006). Employee stock option fair-value estimates: Do managerial discretion and incentives explain accuracy?. Contemporary Accounting Research. 933-975.
teaching activities ACCT610 Financial Accounting Instructor ACCT671 Contemp Acct Topics Instructor ACCT705 Acct For Business Results Instructor BUAD685 Directed Studies Instructor BUAD700 Value Creation Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Strawser, William (2011-08). Preferred Stock and the Debt-Equity Hybrid Puzzle: An Analysis Using Credit Ratings.
education and training Ph.D. in Business, Stanford University - (Stanford, California, United States) 1994 B.Com. in Accounting, University of Alberta - (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) 1981
awards and honors College Research Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2005
mailing address Texas A&M University Department of Accounting Mays Business School 4353 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4113 USA