selected publications academicarticle Bhatia, M. R., & Crook, K. (1986). Trace element characteristics of graywackes and tectonic setting discrimination of sedimentary basins. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 92(2), 181-193. Bhatia, M. R. (1985). Rare earth element geochemistry of Australian Paleozoic graywackes and mudrocks: Provenance and tectonic control. Sedimentary Geology. 45(1-2), 97-113. Bhatia, M. R., Thomas, M., & Boirie, J. M. (1984). DEFOSITIONAL FRAMEWORK AND DIAGENESIS OF THE LATE PERMIAN GAS RESERVOIRS OF THE BONAPARTE BASIN. 24(1), 299-313. Bhatia, M. R. (1984). Composition and classification of Paleozoic flysch mudrocks of eastern Australia: Implications in provenance and tectonic setting interpretation. Sedimentary Geology. 41(2-4), 249-268. Bhatia, M. R. (1983). Plate Tectonics and Geochemical Composition of Sandstones. The Journal of Geology. 91(6), 611-627. Bhatia, M. R., & Taylor, S. R. (1981). Trace-element geochemistry and sedimentary provinces: A study from the Tasman Geosyncline, Australia. Isotope geoscience. 33(1-4), 115-125. Prasad, A. K., & Bhatia, M. R. (1977). PRE-CARBONIFEROUS GRANITIC CLAST IN THE BLAINI DIAMICTITE OF SIMLA HIMALAYA AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE. 3, 391. Bhatia, M. R., & Prasad, A. K. (1976). The Blaini Formation a marker horizon in Lesser Himalayas, its age and classification. Science and culture. 42, 579-580. Prasad, A. K., & Bhatia, M. R. (1975). Fossil tracheids and other microfossils from the Blaini Tillite horizon, Simla Hills, India. 8(2), 191-195. Bhatia, M. R., & Prasad, A. K. (1975). Some sedimentological, lithostratigraphic and genetic aspects of the Blaini Formation of parts of Simla Hills, Himachal Pradesh, India: Indian Geological Association. 8, 162-185. chapter Bhatia, M. R. (2011). Late Palaeozoic diamicities of Simla Hills, Lesser HImalaya, India: Chonostratigraphic age and geochemistry. Hambrey, M. J., & Harland, W. B. (Eds.), Earth's Pre-Pleistocene Glacial Record. (pp. 293-293). Cambridge University Press. conference paper Bayer, W. S., Wunderle, M., Araujo, E., Alcalde, R., Yao, C., Suhy, F., ... Bhatia, M. (2016). Geological and Geomechanical Modeling of the Haynesville Shale: A Full Loop for Unconventional Fractured Reservoirs Reese, D. E., Currie, J. C., Chow, Y., & Bhatia, M. R. (1997). Bayu-Undan Field: Appraisal and Development Planning Bhatia, M. R., & Taylor, S. R. (1980). Rare-earth-element geochemistry of clastic rocks of the Tasman Geosyncline, Australia. 42-42.
teaching activities GEOL481 Seminar Instructor GEOL491 Research Instructor GEOL681 Ccus Seminar Instructor
education and training B.S. in Geology, Panjab University - (Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India) M.S. in Geology, Panjab University - (Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India) Ph.D. in Geology, Australian National University - (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia) 1982