selected publications academicarticle Landry, C. A., Adefiranye, P. O., McCaulley, S. A., Halsey, B. D., Thiele, W. F., & Thomas, J. C. (2024). Characterization of Ejected Particles from a Lithium-Ion Battery During Thermal Runaway. 55(1), 1-5. Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2023). Modern Competing Flames Model for Composite Ammonium Perchlorate/Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene Propellant Combustion. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 39(5), 675-687. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., Teitge, D. S., Petersen, E. L., & Walker, M. (2023). Lab-scale ballistic and safety property investigations of LMP-103S. 253, 112810-112810. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2023). Metallic Additives for Solid-Fuel Propulsion Applications. 195(6), 1279-1298. Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., & Peterson, E. L. (2023). Manufacturing superfine AP by milling in a lab-scale resonant acoustic mixer (LabRAM). Journal of Energetic Materials. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-13. Nguyen, C., & Thomas, J. C. (2023). Performance of Additively Manufactured Fuels for Hybrid Rockets. Aerospace. 10(6), 500-500. Tykol, A. J., Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2022). Burning Rate Characterization of Guanidine Nitrate and Basic Copper Nitrate Gas Generants with Metal Oxide Additives. 194(16), 3390-3407. Mathieu, O., Gregoire, C. M., Turner, M. A., Mohr, D. J., Alturaifi, S. A., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2022). Experimental Investigation of the Combustion Properties of an Average Thermal Runaway Gas Mixture from Li-Ion Batteries. Energy & Fuels. 36(6), 3247-3258. Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2022). HTPB Heat of Formation: Literature Survey, Group Additive Estimations, and Theoretical Effects. 60(3), 1269-1282. Thomas, J. C., Paravan, C., Stahl, J. M., Tykol, A. J., Rodriguez, F. A., Galfetti, L., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). Experimental evaluation of HTPB/paraffin fuel blends for hybrid rocket applications. Combustion and Flame. 229, 111386-111386. Thomas, J., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). Lab-Scale Thermal Cook-Off Experiments with Liquid Monopropellants. 12(1), 137-149. Thomas, J., Demko, A. R., Stahl, J. M., Petersen, E. L., Paravan, C., & Galfetti, L. (2020). Materials Compatibility and Corresponding Effects on the Combustion of AF-M315E. 11(1), 117-133. Thomas, J. C., Morrow, G. R., Dillier, C., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Comprehensive Study of Ammonium Perchlorate Particle Size/Concentration Effects on Propellant Combustion. 36(1), 95-100. Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T. E., Dillier, C., Demko, A. R., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Aging Effects on the Burning Rates of Composite Solid Propellants with Nano-Additives. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 35(2), 342-351. Finegan, D. P., Darst, J., Walker, W., Li, Q., Yang, C., Jervis, R., ... Darcy, E. (2019). Modelling and experiments to identify high-risk failure scenarios for testing the safety of lithium-ion cells. Journal of Power Sources. 417, 29-41. Thomas, J. C., Homan-Cruz, G. D., Stahl, J. M., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). The effects of SiO2 and TiO2 on the two-phase burning behavior of aqueous HAN propellant. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 37(3), 3159-3166. Demko, A. R., Allen, T. W., Thomas, J. C., Johnson, M., Morrow, G. R., Reid, D. L., Seal, S., & Petersen, E. L. (2017). Comparison of Commercially Available and Synthesized Titania Nano-Additives in Composite HTPB/AP Propellant. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 42(2), 158-166. Thomas, J. C., Demko, A. R., Sammet, T. E., Reid, D. L., Seal, S., & Petersen, E. L. (2016). Mechanical Properties of Composite AP/HTPB Propellants Containing Novel Titania Nanoparticles. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 41(5), 822-834. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., Teitge, D. S., Kunka, L. N., Gaddis, G. N., Browne, Z. K., ... Oran, E. S. An experimental study of shock transmission from a detonation tube. Shock Waves. 32(5), 427-436. conference paper Teitge, D., Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T. E., & Petersen, E. L. (2023). Design and Characterization of a Hot-Surface Ignition (HSI) Experiment Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T. E., Teitge, D. S., & Petersen, E. L. (2022). Burning Rate Characterization of Ammonium Perchlorate Pellets Containing Micro- and Nano-Catalytic Additives. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 822-832. Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2022). An Updated BDP Model for Composite AP/HTPB Propellant Combustion Mathieu, O., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). Current Lithium-ion battery fire research at Texas A&M University. 1-35. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., Teitge, D. S., Browne, Z. K., Ahumada, C. B., Kunka, L. N., ... Oran, E. S. (2021). Development of a New Lab-Scale, Open-Ended Detonation Tube Facility at Texas A&M University. 1-8. Petersen, E. L., Mathieu, O., Thomas, J. C., Cooper, S. P., Teitge, D. S., Jurez, R., Gutierrez, N., & Mashuga, C. V. (2021). Combustion and Oxidation of Lube Oils at Gas Turbine Conditions: Experimental Methods Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). Production and Characterization of Super Fine Ammonium Perchlorate (SFAP) in a LabRAM. 1-10. Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., Sammet. T.E., .., Teitge, D. S., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). Burning Rate Characterization of Ammonium Perchlorate Pellets Containing Micro- and Nano-Catalytic Additives. 1-20. Teitge, D. S., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). Ignition Probability of Fuels and Oils Undergoing Hot-Surface Ignition. 1-11. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). Metallic Additives for Solid-Fuel Propulsion Applications. 1-18. Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). HTPB Heat of Formation: Literature Survey, Group Additive Estimations, and Theoretical Performance Effects Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Batch-to-Batch Consistency of AF-M315E Ballistics Data. 1-10. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., Teitge, D. S., Petersen, E. L., Hsu, A. G., DeSain, J. D., & Brady, B. B. (2020). Combustion Behavior of LMP-103S. 1-10. Martin, M. W., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Materials Compatibility of AF-M315E with Candidate Elastomeric Materials. 1-10. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., Teitge, D. S., Petersen, E. L., Hsu, A. G., DeSain, J. D., & Brady, B. B. (2020). Combustion Behavior of LMP-103S in Strand Burner Experiments. 1-10. Martin, M. W., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Materials Compatibility of Candidate Elastomeric Materials with AF-M315E. 1-10. Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., Teitge, D., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Burning Rate Characterization of Ammonium Perchlorate Pellets Containing Micro- and Nano-Catalytic Additives Teitge, D., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). High-Speed Video Analysis of Lubricating Oils Undergoing Hot-Surface Ignition Teitge, D. S., Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T. E., Browne, Z. K., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Hot Surface Ignition Probability of Hydrocarbon Fuels and Oils. 1-13. Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., Teitge, D. S., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Strand Burner Experiments with Metal-Loaded Laminate Propellants. 1-22. Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., Teitge, D., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Burning Rate Characterization of Ammonium Perchlorate Pellets Containing Nano-Catalytic Additives Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2020). Strand Burner Experiments with Metal-Loaded AP/HTPB Laminate Propellants Martin, M. W., Smolen, J. A., Weislogel, M., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Advancing, Static, and Receding Contact Angle Measurements for AF-M315E and Distilled Water on Different Materials and Surface Roughness. 1-14. Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T., Petersen, E. D., Dillier, C. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Burning Rate Characterization of Ammonium Perchlorate Pellets Containing Catalytic Additives Petersen, E. D., Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., Dillier, C. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Combustion Behavior of Ammonium Perchlorate at High Pressures Thomas, J. C., Rodriguez, F. A., Sammet, T., Dillier, C. A., Petersen, E. D., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Manufacturing and Burning of Composite AP/HTPB/AP Laminate Propellants Petersen, E. L., Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T., & Aul, C. (2019). Undergraduate Research in Energy and Propulsion: Outcomes and Lessons Learned from a 9-Year REU Site Dillier, C. A., Petersen, E. D., Sammet, T., Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Very-High-Pressure Burning Rates of AP/HTPB-Composite Propellants with Varying AP Particle Sizes and Distributions Petersen, E. L., Thomas, J. C., & Dillier, C. (2019). High-Pressure Propellant Burning Rate Measurements at Texas A&M University. 1-19. Thomas, J., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Lab-Scale Thermal Cook-Off Experiments with Liquid Monopropellants. 1-17. Reid, D. L., Fisher, M. J., Petersen, E. L., Thomas, J. C., Son, S. F., & Terry, B. C. (2019). Solid Ramjet Fuel Containing In-Situ Grown Aluminum Nanoparticles. 1-22. Tykol, A. J., Rodriguez, F. A., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Burning Rate Characterization of Guanidine Nitrate and Basic Copper Nitrate Propellants with Metal Oxide Additives. 1-10. Thomas, J. C., Stahl, J. M., Tykol, A. J., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Experimental Assessment of HTPB/Paraffin Fuel Blends for Hybrid Rocket Applications. 1-10. Dillier, C., Sammet, T., Rodriguez, F. A., Petersen, E. D., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Aluminized and Non-Aluminized AP/HTPB-Composite Propellant Burning Rates at Very-High Pressures. 1-6. Dillier, C., Demko, A. R., Thomas, J. C., Grossman, K., Seal, S., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Evaluation of Composite Propellants Utilizing Various Nano-Scale Aluminum and Boron Incorporation Methods Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2019). Updated Three-Flame Modeling of Composite AP/HTPB Propellants. 1-6. Thomas, J. C., Morrow, G. R., Dillier, C. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2018). Comprehensive Study of AP Particle Size and Loading Effects on the Burning Rates of Composite AP/HTPB Propellants Darst, J. J., Thomas, J. C., Finegan, D. P., & Darc, E. (2018). Guidelines for Safe, High Performing Li-Ion Battery Designs for Manned Vehicles. 1-4. Dillier, C., Demko, A. R., Thomas, J. C., Grossman, K., Seal, S., & Petersen, E. L. (2018). Performance of Aluminum-Coated Nano-Sized Boron Additives in AP/HTPB Propellants. 1-7. Thomas, J. C., Homan-Cruz, G. D., Stahl, J. M., & etersen, E. L. (2018). The Effects of SiO2 and TiO2 on the Two-Phase Burning Behavior of Aqueous HAN. 1-11. Thomas, J. C., Homan-Cruz, G. D., Stahl, J. M., & Petersen, E. L. (2018). Catalytic Effects of Inert Particles on the Two-Phase Combustion Behavior of Aqueous HAN Monopropellant. 1-6. Thomas, J. C., Homan-Cruz, G. D., Stahl, J. M., & Petersen, E. L. (2018). The Effects of SiO2 and TiO2 on the Two-Phase Burning Behavior of Aqueous HAN Propellant. 1-5. Thomas, J. C., Darst, J. J., Darcy, E. C., & Finegan, D. P. (2018). Consequence Analysis of Li-Ion Battery Thermal Runaway Events with Chemical Equilibrium Analyses. 1-29. Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T., Dillier, C. A., Demko, A. R., Rodriguez, F., & Petersen, E. L. (2018). Effects of Aging on the Burning Rates of Composite Solid Propellants with and without Nano-Sized Additives Thomas, J. C., Demko, A. R., Stahl, J. M., Petersen, E. L., Brady, B. B., DeSain, J. D., & Schilling, J. H. (2017). Linear Burning Rates and Non-Catalytic Ignition Behavior of AF-M315E over a Wide Pressure Range. 1-23. Thomas, J. C., Demko, A. R., Stahl, J. M., Petersen, E. L., Brady, B. B., DeSain, J. D., & Schilling, J. H. (2017). Materials Compatibility and Corresponding Effects on the Combustion of AF-M315E. 1-27. Crofton, M. W., Morehart, J. H., Thomas, J. C., & Petersen, E. L. (2017). Particle-Impact Ignition Experiments at High Oxygen Pressure Thomas, J. C., Morrow, G. R., Demko, A. R., & Petersen, E. L. (2017). Correlation of the Effects of Particle Size and Loading on the Burning Rate of Composite AP/HTPB Propellants. 1-3. Petersen, E. L., Thomas, J. C., Tykol, A., & Aul, C. J. (2017). REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Energy and Propulsion. 1-3. Thomas, J. C., Crofton, M. W., Anderson, J. P., Worshum, M. D., & Petersen, E. L. (2017). Particle-Impact Characterization Experiments at Liquid Rocket Engine Conditions using a Miniature Shock Tube Thomas, J. C., Stahl, J. M., Morrow, G. R., & Petersen, E. L. (2016). Design of a Lab-Scale Hybrid Rocket Test Stand Dillier, C. A., Demko, A. R., Sammet, T., Grossman, K., Seal, S., & Petersen, E. L. (2016). Burning Rate and Ignition Delay Times of AP/HTPB-Based Solid Rocket Propellants Containing Graphene Thomas, J. C., Stahl, J. M., & Petersen, E. L. (2016). Development of a Micro-Burner for Hybrid Rocket Combustion Studies. 1-3. Thomas, J. C., Petersen, E. L., Desain, J. D., & Brady, B. (2015). Hybrid Rocket Enhancement by Micro- and Nano-Scale Additives in HTPB Fuel Grains Thomas, J. C., Stahl, J. M., Tykol, A. J., Rodriguez, F. A., & Petersen, E. L. (2015). Hybrid Rocket Studies Using HTPB/Paraffin Fuel Blends in Gaseous Oxygen Flow. 1-13. Thomas, J. C., Petersen, E. L., DeSain, J. D., & Brady, B. B. (2015). Regression Rate Enhancement in Hybrid Rockets with HTPB Fuel Grains by Nano-Aluminum Additives. 1-16. Dillier, C., Demko, A. R., Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T. E., Grossman, K., Seal, S., & Petersen, E. L. (2015). Determining the Effects of Graphene on the Burning Rate and Strength of AP/HTPB-Based Solid Rocket Propellants. 1-9. Thomas, J. C., Petersen, E. L., Brady, B. B., & Desain, J. (2014). Hybrid Rocket Burning Rate Enhancement by Nano-Scale Additives in HTPB Fuel Grains Thomas, J. C., Demko, A. R., Sammet, T. E., Petersen, E. L., Reid, D. L., & Seal, S. (2014). Mechanical Properties of Composite AP/HTPB Propellants with Titania Nanoparticles. 1-13. Demko, A. R., Thomas, J. C., Sammet, T., Petersen, E. L., Reid, D., & Seal, S. (2014). Temperature Sensitivity of Composite Propellant Containing Novel Nano-Additive Catalysts Thomas, J. C., DeSain, J. D., Brady, B. B., & Petersen, E. L. (2013). Hybrid Rocket Burning Rate Enhancement by Nano-Scale Aluminum Additives in HTPB Fuel Grains. 1-3. institutional repository document Thomas, J. C., Atherley, T. M., Mathieu, O., & Petersen, E. L. (2021). LIB Thermal Runaway and Combustion Research at Texas A&M University thesis Thomas, J. C. (2018). Mixed HTPB/Paraffin Fuels and Metallic Additives for Hybrid Rocket Applications
teaching activities MEEN344 Fluid Mechanics Guest Lecturer MEEN401 Hnr - Intro To Mech Engr Desgn Instructor MEEN404 Engineering Laboratory Instructor MEEN491 Hnr-research Instructor MEEN605 Gas Dynamics Teaching Assistant MEEN633 Combustion Science Teaching Assistant
education and training Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2018 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2014 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2013