selected publications academicarticle Chang, H. Discourse differences between international teaching assistants and university registers: a quantitative corpus approach. Language and Education. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-25. Chang, H. Evaluation of Language and Teaching Skill Domains for International Teaching Assistants: An Approach based on Invariant Measurement. Language Assessment Quarterly. 19(3), 264-288. Rivera, H. H., Chang, H., Zhu, Y., Jimenez, D. D., Bemani, M., & Taheri, M. Examining the Home Learning Environment Practices for Emergent Bilinguals: Insights from Parental Survey. Education Sciences. 14(11), 1152-1152. Chang, H., & RaeisiVanani, A. Exploring the Grammatical Complexity of International Teaching Assistants: A Comparative Corpus Study. TESOL Quarterly. Chang, H. Investigating the effects of discipline and first-language backgrounds on ITAs instructional discourse patterns. 4(1), 7-28. Rivera, H. H., Chang, H., Eslami, Z., Bemani, M., Taheri, M., & Zhu, Y. Parental Perceptions of Bilingual Education: A Study of Parental Views on Schools and Teachers. Journal of Latinos and Education. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-16. Mirzaei, A., Farsani, M. A., & Chang, H. Statistical learning of L2 lexical bundles through unimodal, bimodal, and multimodal stimuli. Language Teaching Research. Pittman, R. T., Chang, H., Lindner, A., Binks-Cantrell, E., & Joshi, M. What do classroom teachers of varying backgrounds know about English spelling?. Annals of Dyslexia. 73(3), 415-439. chapter Strauss, S., Chang, H., & Yoon, J. Chapter 4. The speech went on (and on) as Kerry dozed off (*and off). Human Cognitive Processing. Pickering, L., & Evans, V. (Eds.), Language Learning, Discourse and Cognition. (pp. 85-110). John Benjamins Publishing Company. Strauss, S., Chang, H., & Matsumoto, Y. Chapter 9. Genre and the cultural realms of taste in Japanese, Korean, and U.S. online recipes. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series. Hudson, M., Matsumoto, Y., & Mori, J. (Eds.), Pragmatics of Japanese. (pp. 219-244). John Benjamins Publishing Company. review Chang, H. (2016). Review of cognitive linguistics and second language learning: Theoretical basics and experimental evidence. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 151-153.
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