selected publications academicarticle Duan, X., Lesikar, B. J., Kenimer, A. L., Arnold, M. A., & Persyn, R. A. (2008). Performance of wastewater subsurface drip emitters at low and normal pressure. Water Environment Research. 80(2), 142-148. Mukhtar, S., Sadaka, S. S., Kenimer, A. L., Rahman, S., & Mathis, J. G. (2008). Acidic and alkaline bottom ash and composted manure blends as a soil amendment. Bioresource Technology. 99(13), 5891-5900. Lesikar, B. J., Garza, O. A., Persyn, R. A., Kenimer, A. L., & Anderson, M. T (2006). Food-service establishment wastewater characterization. Water Environment Research. 78(8), 805-809. Akbar, M. A., Kenimer, A. L., Searcy, S. W., & Torbert, H. A. (2005). Soil water estimation using electromagnetic induction. Transactions of the ASABE. 48(1), 129-135. Akbar, M. A., Kenimer, A. L., & Searcy, S. W. (2004). Estimating soil profile depth with apparent electrical conductivity for a Texas Vertisol. Transactions of the ASABE. 47(4), 1087-1092. Harmel, R. D., Kenimer, A. L., Searcy, S. W., & Torbert, H. A. (2004). Runoff Water Quality Impact of Variable Rate Sidedress Nitrogen Application. Precision Agriculture. 5(3), 247-261. Mukhtar, S., Kenimer, A. L., Sadaka, S. S., & Mathis, J. G. (2003). Evaluation of bottom ash and composted manure blends as a soil amendment material. Bioresource Technology. 89(3), 217-228. Matlock, M. D., Osborn, G. S., Hession, W. C., Kenimer, A. L., & Storm, D. E. (2001). Ecological engineering: A rationale for standardized curriculum and professional certification in the United States. Ecological Engineering. 17(4), 403-409. Arnold, M. A., Lesikar, B. J., Kenimer, A. L., & Wilkerson, D. C. (1999). Spring Recovery of Constructed Wetland Plants Affects Nutrient Removal From Nursery Runoff. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 17(1), 5-10. Arnold, M. A., Lesikar, B., Kenimer, A., Wilkerson, D. C., & Goyne, M. W. (1998). Spring Recovery of Wetland Plants Affects Efficacy of Nutrient Removal from Nursery Runoff. Hortscience. 33(4), 603d-6603. HEY, D. L., KENIMER, A. L., & BARRETT, K. R. (1994). WATER-QUALITY IMPROVEMENT BY 4 EXPERIMENTAL WETLANDS. Ecological Engineering. 3(4), 381-397. FELSOT, A. S., MITCHELL, J. K., & KENIMER, A. L. (1990). ASSESSMENT OF MANAGEMENT-PRACTICES FOR REDUCING PESTICIDE RUNOFF FROM SLOPING CROPLAND IN ILLINOIS. Journal of Environmental Quality. 19(3), 539-545. conference paper Aboukinane, C., Moriasi, D. N., Kenimer, A. L., Dooley, K., & Linder, J. (2013). Fostering Creativity in Engineering Education through Experiential and Team-based Learning. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 23.613.1-23.613.25. Caso, R., Froyd, J., Rinehart, J., Inam, A., Kenimer, A., Clark, C., & Morgan, J. (2002). A Systemic Change Model In Engineering Education And Its Relevance For Women. 7.120.1-7.120.33. Morgan, J., & Kenimer, A. L. (2002). Clustering Courses to Build Student Community. Frontiers in Education Conference. s1a-13-s1a-16. Layne, J., Froyd, J., Morgan, J., & Kenimer, A. (2002). Faculty Learning Communities. 13-18. Morgan, J., Kenimer, A., Kohutek, T., Rinehart, J., & Lee, M. (2002). Peer Teacher from an Instructor's Perspective. s2c-11-s2c-15. Kenimer, A. L., Harmel, R. D., Torbert, H. A., Akbar, M. A., & Searcy, S. W. (2000). Nitrogen Losses from Corn Receiving Conventional and Precision-Applied Fertilizer. 2209-2220. Hession, W. C., Matlock, M. D., Osborn, G. S., Storm, D. E., & Kenimer, A. L. (1998). A Rationale For Standardized Curriculum And Professional Certification In Ecological Engineering. 3.42.1-3.42.9. Paasch, M. M., Kenimer, A. L., Sabbagh, G. J., & Mitchell, F. L. (1997). Phosphorous water quality model evaluation and comparison for natural and constructed wetlands. Paper - American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Hess, T. F., Chen, S., Rynk, R. F., King, L. G., & Kenimer, A. L. (1997). Natural Systems For Wastewater Treatment: Course Material And Cd Rom Development. 2.304.1-2.304.8.
teaching activities AGSM337 Tech Env Nat Res Engr Instructor BAEN469 Water Quality Engr Instructor BAEN669 Water Quality Engr Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Melton, Rebecca Hobbs (2005-08). BOD5 removal in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Villeneuve, Julie (2006-04). Delineating wetlands using geographic information system and remote sensing technologies.
education and training Ph.D. in Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 1990 M.S. in Agricultural Engineering, Virginia Tech - (Blacksburg, Virginia, United States) 1987 B.S. in Agricultural Engineering, Virginia Tech - (Blacksburg, Virginia, United States) 1985
awards and honors Fellow, conferred by American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - (Saint Joseph, Michigan, United States), 2015 A W Farrall Young Educator Award, conferred by American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - (Saint Joseph, Michigan, United States), 2001