selected publications academicarticle Nava, R., Cremar, L., Agubra, V., Snchez, J., Alcoutlabi, M., & Lozano, K. Centrifugal Spinning: An Alternative for Large Scale Production of Silicon-Carbon Composite Nanofibers for Lithium Ion Battery Anodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 8(43), 29365-29372. Cremar, L., Gutierrez, J., Martinez, J., Materon, L., Gilkerson, R., Xu, F., & Lozano, K. Development of antimicrobial chitosan based nanofiber dressings for wound healing applications. 5(1), 6-14. Davis, D. A., Hamilton, A., Yang, J., Cremar, L. D., Van Gough, D., Potisek, S. L., ... Sottos, N. R. Force-induced activation of covalent bonds in mechanoresponsive polymeric materials. Nature. 459(7243), 68-72. Akia, M., Cremar, L., Seas, M., Villarreal, J., Valdez, A., Alcoutlabi, M., & Lozano, K. HighThroughput Production With Improved Functionality and Graphitization of Carbon Fine Fibers Developed from Sodium ChloridePolyacrylonitrile Precursors. Polymer Engineering and Science. 58(11), 2047-2054. Akia, M., Cremar, L., Chipara, M., Munoz, E., Cortez, H., de Santiago, H., ... Lozano, K. In Situ Production of Graphene-Fiber Hybrid Structures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 9(30), 25474-25480. Cremar, L. D., Acosta-Martinez, J., Villarreal, A., Salinas, A., & Lozano, K. Mechanical and electrical characterization of carbon nanofibers produced from water soluble precursors. Materials Today Communications. 7, 134-139. Silberstein, M. N., Min, K., Cremar, L. D., Degen, C. M., Martinez, T. J., Aluru, N. R., White, S. R., & Sottos, N. R. Modeling mechanophore activation within a crosslinked glassy matrix. Journal of Applied Physics. 114(2), 023504. Silberstein, M. N., Cremar, L. D., Beiermann, B. A., Kramer, S. B., Martinez, T. J., White, S. R., & Sottos, N. R. Modeling mechanophore activation within a viscous rubbery network. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 63, 141-153. Cremar, L. D., Jones, B., Martinez, N., Mejia, G., Cortez, H., Muoz, E., Nava, R., & Lozano, K. Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanofibers Derived from Water-Soluble Precursors. 2(4), Riahi, D. N., Lozano, K., Cremar, L., & Fuentes, A. On nonlinear rotating polymeric jets during forcespinning process. Fluid Dynamics Research. 50(6), 065507-065507. patent Lozano, K., & Cremar, L. Method of preparing carbon fibers Lozano, K., Cremar, L., Lara, M., & akia, M. Method of preparing doped and/or composite carbon fibers