HR job title Assistant Professor of the Practice and Assistant Department Head for Marine Engineering Technology -
teaching activities MARE111 Methods In Engineering Tech Instructor MARE112 Graphics For Engineering Tech Instructor MARE202 Marine Thermodynamics Instructor MARE205 Engineering Mechanics I Instructor MARE206 Engineering Mechanics Ii Instructor MARE300 Intermediate Operatns Instructor MARE313 Heat Transfer Instructor MARE315 Thermodynmcs For Technologists Instructor MARE350 Commercial Cruise Internship Instructor MARE402 Shipboard Automation Instructor MARE424 Gas Turbine Power Generation Instructor MARE484 Internship Instructor MARE485 Problems Instructor MARE489 Sptp: App Shipboard Mar Electr Instructor MARR102 Engine Rm Resource Mngmt Instructor ZOPT100 Corps -soph Engine Instructor ZOPT300 Practical Training - Engine Instructor