selected publications academicarticle Abongwa, P. T., Den, W., & Teague, A. (2022). Chemical and Carbon Isotopic Characterization of a Karst-Dominated Urbanized Watershed: Case of the Upper San Antonio River. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 82(3), 439-454. Teague, A. (2019). The United States, Mexico, and the Mutual Securitization of Drug Enforcement, 1969-1985. Diplomatic History: the journal of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. 43(5), 785-812. Teague, A. (2019). Mexicos Dirty War on Drugs: Source Control and Dissidence in Drug Enforcement. The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs. 33(1), 63-87. webpage Teague, A. (2019). Nixon and Reagan tried closing the border to pressure Mexicoheres what happened Teague, A. (2018). Review of Containing Addiction: The Federal Bureau of Narcotics and the Origins of America's Global Drug War Teague, A. (2017). Heres How NAFTA and the Border Look from Mexicos Perspective Teague, A. (2017). Reckoning with the addict and the US War on Drugs Teague, A. (2015). The International Impact of Americas War on Drugs
teaching activities INTA494 Latin American Politics Instructor INTA605 American Foreign Policy Instructor INTA670 Intl Affairs Capstne Sem Instructor INTA684 Prof Internship Instructor INTA685 Directed Studies Instructor INTA689 Sptp: Us-mexico Relations Instructor INTA689 Sptp: Us/la Rel & Illicit Eco Instructor INTA689 Sptp: Us/la Rel & Illicit Econ Instructor INTA689 Sptp:us-mexico Relations Instructor INTA719 U.s. Mexico Relations Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in History, Vanderbilt University - (Nashville, Tennessee, United States) 2018 M.A. in HIstory, Vanderbilt University - (Nashville, Tennessee, United States) 2013 B.A. in History, Summa cum Laude, Boston University - (Boston, Massachusetts, United States) 2006