selected publications academicarticle Chaganti, V. N., Ganjegunte, G., Meki, M. N., Kiniry, J. R., & Niu, G. (2021). Switchgrass biomass yield and composition and soil quality as affected by treated wastewater irrigation in an arid environment. Biomass and Bioenergy. 151, 106160-106160. Zhao, J., Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Zang, H., Yan, P., Meki, M. N., ... Zeng, Z. (2021). Alternative cropping systems for groundwater irrigation sustainability in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management. 250, 106867-106867. Kim, S., Meki, M. N., Kim, S., & Kiniry, J. R. (2020). Crop Modeling Application to Improve Irrigation Efficiency in Year-Round Vegetable Production in the Texas Winter Garden Region. Agronomy. 10(10), 1525-1525. Baez-Gonzalez, A. D., Fajardo-Diaz, R., Padilla-Ramirez, J. S., Osuna-Ceja, E. S., Kiniry, J. R., Meki, M. N., & Acosta-Díaz, E. (2020). Yield Performance and Response to High Plant Densities of Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars under Semi-Arid Conditions. Agronomy. 10(11), 1684-1684. Meki, M. N., Jeong, J., Gerik, T., Wolfe, J., Hassell, L., Piccinni, G., & Gates, J. (2020). ADAPTING THE APEX MODEL TO SIMULATE DETASSELING IN INBRED CORN FOR HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(5), 1169-1179. Crow, S. E., Wells, J. M., Sierra, C. A., Youkhana, A. H., Ogoshi, R. M., Richardson, D., ... Kiniry, J. R. (2020). Carbon flow through energycane agroecosystems established post‐intensive agriculture. GCB Bioenergy: Bioproducts for a Sustainable Bioeconomy. 12(10), 806-817. Baez-Gonzalez, A. D., Fajardo-Díaz, R., Garcia-Romero, G., Osuna-Ceja, E., Kiniry, J. R., & Meki, M. N. (2020). High Sowing Densities in Rainfed Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Mexican Semi-Arid Highlands under Future Climate Change. Agronomy. 10(3), 442-442. Chaganti, V. N., Ganjegunte, G., Niu, G., Ulery, A., Flynn, R., Enciso, J. M., Meki, M. N., & Kiniry, J. R. (2020). Effects of treated urban wastewater irrigation on bioenergy sorghum and soil quality. Agricultural Water Management. 228, 105894-105894. Goehring, N., Verburg, P., Saito, L., Jeong, J., & Meki, M. N. (2019). Improving Modeling of Quinoa Growth under Saline Conditions Using the Enhanced Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender Model. Agronomy. 9(10), 592-592. Zhao, J., Chu, Q., Shang, M., Meki, M. N., Norelli, N., Jiang, Y., ... Jeong, J. (2019). Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender (APEX) Simulation of Spring Peanut Management in the North China Plain. Agronomy. 9(8), 443-443. Pawlowski, M., Meki, M. N., Kiniry, J. R., & Crow, S. E. (2018). Carbon budgets of potential tropical perennial grass cropping scenarios for bioenergy feedstock production. Carbon Balance and Management. 13(1), 17. Chavez, J. C., Enciso, J., Meki, M. N., Jeong, J., & Singh, V. P. (2018). SIMULATION OF ENERGY SORGHUM UNDER LIMITED IRRIGATION LEVELS USING THE EPIC MODEL. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(1), 121-131. Meki, M. N., Ogoshi, R. M., Kiniry, J. R., Crow, S. E., Youkhana, A. H., Nakahata, M. H., & Littlejohn, K. (2017). Performance evaluation of biomass sorghum in Hawaii and Texas. Industrial Crops and Products. 103, 257-266. Meki, M. N., Kiniry, J. R., Youkhana, A. H., Crow, S. E., Ogoshi, R. M., Nakahata, M. H., ... Jeong, J. (2015). Two-Year Growth Cycle Sugarcane Crop Parameter Attributes and Their Application in Modeling. Agronomy Journal. 107(4), 1310-1320. Ukaew, S., Beck, E., Meki, M. N., & Shonnard, D. R. (2014). Application of the roundtable on sustainable biofuels method to regional differences in nitrous oxide emissions for the rapeseed hydrotreated renewable jet life cycle. Journal of Cleaner Production. 83, 220-227. Meki, M. N., Kemanian, A. R., Potter, S. R., Blumenthal, J. M., Williams, J. R., & Gerik, T. J. (2013). Cropping system effects on sorghum grain yield, soil organic carbon, and global warming potential in central and south Texas. Agricultural Systems. 117(C), 19-29. Meki, M. N., Atwood, J. D., Norfleet, L. M., Williams, J. R., Gerik, T. J., & Kiniry, J. R. (2013). Corn Residue Removal Effects on Soybean Yield and Nitrogen Dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. 37(3), 379-400. Meki, M. N., Marcos, J. P., Atwood, J. D., Norfleet, L. M., Steglich, E. M., Williams, J. R., & Gerik, T. J. (2011). Effects of site-specific factors on corn stover removal thresholds and subsequent environmental impacts in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION. 66(6), 386-399. Worqlul, A. W., Dile, Y. T., Schmitter, P., Jeong, J., Meki, M. N., Gerik, T. J., ... Clarke, N. Water resource assessment, gaps, and constraints of vegetable production in Robit and Dangishta watersheds, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. Agricultural Water Management. 226, 105767-105767. institutional repository document Youkhana, A. H., Ogoshi, R. M., Kiniry, J. R., Meki, M. N., Nakahata, M. H., & Crow, S. E. (2017). Allometric Models for Predicting Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Stock of Tropical Perennial C4 Grasses in Hawaii. Frontiers in Plant Science. Pawlowski, M. N., Crow, S. E., Meki, M. N., Kiniry, J. R., Taylor, A. D., Ogoshi, R., Youkhana, A., & Nakahata, M. (2017). Field-Based Estimates of Global Warming Potential in Bioenergy Systems of Hawaii: Crop Choice and Deficit Irrigation. PLoS ONE.