Nuclear Suppliers and the Renaissance in Nuclear Power Chapter uri icon


  • This chapter addresses the supply-side of the nuclear renaissance. Why do nuclear supplier countries assist other states in developing nuclear energy programs? It argues that supplier states enter the marketplace to enhance their political influence. A quantitative analysis of the behavior of suppliers in the nuclear marketplace from 1953 to 2000 supports this argument. The findings also show normative concerns and a desire to sustain domestic nuclear industries are less decisive for explaining civilian nuclear assistance than is commonly assumed. The chapter concludes that the supply-side will influence the nuclear renaissance mostly by affecting where -- not if -- countries are able to obtain nuclear assistance.

author list (cited authors)

  • Fuhrmann, M.

complete list of authors

  • Fuhrmann, Matthew

editor list (cited editors)

  • Stulberg, A. N., & Fuhrmann, M.

Book Title

  • The Nuclear Renaissance and International Security

publication date

  • January 2013