selected publications academicarticle Fulling, S. A., Borosh, I., & da Conturbia, A. (1998). Cataloguing general graphs by point and line spectra. Computer Physics Communications. 115(2-3), 93-112. Borosh, I., Flahive, M., Rubin, D., & Treybig, B. (1989). A sharp bound for solutions of linear Diophantine equations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 105(4), 844-846. BOROSH, I., FLAHIVE, M., & TREYBIG, B. (1986). SMALL SOLUTIONS OF LINEAR DIOPHANTINE EQUATIONS. Discrete Mathematics. 58(3), 215-220. BOROSH, I., & NIEDERREITER, H. (1983). OPTIMAL MULTIPLIERS FOR PSEUDO-RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION BY THE LINEAR CONGRUENTIAL METHOD. BIT Numerical Mathematics. 23(1), 65-74. BLAKLEY, G. R., & BOROSH, I. (1983). MODULAR ARITHMETIC OF ITERATED POWERS. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 9(4), 567-581. BLAKLEY, G. R., & BOROSH, I. (1979). KNUTH ITERATED POWERS. Advances in Mathematics. 34(2), 109-136. Blakley, G. R., & Borosh, I. (1979). Rivest-Shamir-Adleman public key cryptosystems do not always conceal messages. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 5(3), 169-178. BLAKLEY, G. R., BOROSH, I., & CHUI, C. K. (1978). 2-DIMENSIONAL MEAN PROBLEM. Journal of Approximation Theory. 22(1), 11-26. BOROSH, I., CHUI, C. K., & SMITH, P. W. (1978). APPROXIMATION OF XN BY INCOMPLETE POLYNOMIALS. Journal of Approximation Theory. 24(3), 227-235. Borosh, I., Chui, C. K., & Erds, P. (1978). On chagnes of signs in infinite series. Analysis Mathematica. 4(1), 3-12. BOROSH, I., & CHUI, C. K. (1978). UNIQUENESS OF SOLUTIONS TO A 2-DIMENSIONAL MEAN PROBLEM. Journal of Approximation Theory. 23(3), 201-203. BOROSH, I., CHUI, C. K., & SMITH, P. W. (1977). BEST UNIFORM APPROXIMATION FROM A COLLECTION OF SUBSPACES. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 156(1), 13-18. Borosh, I. (1976). A sharp bound for positive solutions of homogeneous linear Diophantine equations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 60(1), 19-21. Borosh, I., Hartfiel, D. J., & Maxon, C. J. (1976). Answers to questions posed by Richman and Schneider. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 3(4), 255-258. Borosh, I., & Treybig, L. B. (1976). Bounds on positive integral solutions of linear Diophantine equations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 55(2), 299-304. BOROSH, I., & TALPAZ, H. (1975). MULTIFREQUENCY COBWEB MODEL - DECOMPOSITION OF HOG CYCLE - COMMENT. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 57(1), 132-133. Borosh, I. (1975). More numerical evidence on the uniqueness of Markov Numbers. BIT Numerical Mathematics. 15(4), 351-357. Borosh, I., & Fraenkel, A. S. (1975). A generalization of Jarnks theorem on Diophantine approximations to Ridout type numbers. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 211(0), 23-38. Borosh, I., Moreno, C. J., & Porta, H. (1975). Elliptic curves over finite fields. II. Mathematics of Computation. 29(131), 951-964. Talpaz, H., & Borosh, I. (1974). Strategy for Pesticide Use: Frequency and Applications. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 56(4), 769-775. Borosh, I., & Talpaz, H. (1974). On the Timing and Application of Pesticides: Comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 56(3), 642-643. Fraenkel, A. S., & Borosh, I. (1973). A generalization of Wythoff's game. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 15(2), 175-191. Borosh, I., & Fraenkel, A. S. (1972). A generalization of jarnik's theorem on diophantine approximations. Indagationes Mathematicae. 34(3), 193-201. Borosh, I., & Fraenkel, A. S. (1972). A generalization of jarnik's theorem on diophantine approximations. Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings). 75(3), 193-201. Borosh, I., & Fraenkel, A. S. (1966). Exact solutions of linear equations with rational coefficients by congruence techniques. Mathematics of Computation. 20(93), 107-112. Fraenkel, A. S., & Borosh, I. (1966). Fractional Dimension of a Set of Transcendental Numbers. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-16(1), 192-192. Fraenkel, A. S., & Borosh, I. (1965). Fractional Dimension of a Set of Transcendental Numbers. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-15(1), 458-470. conference paper Blakley, G. R., Borosh, I., & Klappenecker, A. (2000). Construction and Categories of Codes. 266-277. Blakley, G. R., & Borosh, I. (1998). A general theory of codes, II: Paradigms and homomorphisms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1-31.
teaching activities MATH309 Linear Alg For Diff Eq Instructor MATH311 Top In Applied Math I Instructor MATH323 Hnr-linear Algebra Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science - (Rehovot, Israel) 1966 M.Sc. in Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem - (Jerusalem, Israel) 1961