Inadequate intakes of indispensable amino acids among homebound older adults.
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Adequate dietary intakes of all indispensable amino acids are vital to optimal health. Using three random 24-hour dietary recalls and the newly released Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), we examined the extent and correlates of inadequate dietary intakes of indispensable amino acids among 323 homebound older adults who received home-delivered meals. Despite regular receipt of home-delivered meals and controlling for other sample characteristics, three factors were independent ly associated with usual dietary intake below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for at least one indispensable amino acid-not regularly eating a breakfast meal, having a diminished sense of taste, and consuming less than 65% of total protein from animal sources. With the greater vulnerability for poor nutritional health among homebound older individuals, policymakers and service providers should strengthen efforts to target the type and amount of protein and tailor programs that address a variety of influences on the adequacy of protein intake.