Shared use and safe routes to school: managing the fear of liability. uri icon


  • This paper examines two policy initiatives that research shows can increase opportunities for physical activity and, in turn, improve health outcomes. These initiatives shared use and Safe Routes to School (SRTS) can and should be embraced by schools to improve student and community health. Fear of liability, however, has made many schools reluctant to support these efforts despite their proven benefits. This paper addresses school administrators real and perceived liability concerns and identifies four strategies for managing the fear of liability and mitigating any potential liability exposure.

published proceedings

  • J Law Med Ethics

author list (cited authors)

  • Winig, B. D., Spengler, J. O., & Etow, A. M.

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Winig, Benjamin D||Spengler, John O||Etow, Alexis M

publication date

  • January 2015