The Use of Ferrate(VI) Technology in Sludge Treatment
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Sludge in large quantity is generated as byproducts of wastewater treatment processes. Various approaches have been taken to treat sludge, such as land-filling, ocean dumping, or recycling for beneficial purposes. In the USA, about 60% of sludge generated is land applied as a soil conditioner or fertilizer. Due to increasing public concern on the safety of land-applied sludge, various sludge treatment technologies are being developed or under evaluation in order to improve the quality of sludge in terms of pathogen content, odor characteristics, accumulated organic micro-pollutants. This paper summarizes the results of various reported or on-going researches on the potential use of ferrate [Fe(VI)O42-] as a conditioning agent for sludge. Ferrate(VI) has high oxidizing potential and selectivity, and upon decomposition produces a non-toxic by-product, Fe(III), which is a conventional coagulant; the ferrate(VI) is thus considered to be an environmentally-friendly oxidant. Rates of oxidation reactions increase with decrease in pH. Oxidation of sulfur- And aminecontaining contaminants in sludge by Fe(VI) can be accomplished in seconds to minutes with formation of nonhazardous products. Ferrate(VI) can also coagulate toxic metals and disinfect wide ranges of microorganisms including human pathogens. With its multifunctional properties, ferrate(VI) has the potential for sludge treatment. 2008 American Chemical Society.